
Showing posts from November, 2014


Anger, jealousy, greed, cruelty, sadness, stress, pride, judgment, hurt, loneliness, insecurity, need, self-destruction, guilt, shame, competitiveness are all emotions that equal FEAR!  Yet, so many when feeling these things will be the first to say I'm not afraid, however their actions speak differently, usually they retreat, run.  They isolate themselves, they run from one person to another seeking approval.  They become very unfocused chasing the illusive dream of happiness.   Joy, happiness, strength, confidence, honesty, love, forgiveness, respect, balancing giving and receiving, peace, understanding, self-love are all emotions that equal LOVE.  Yet so many tend to feel that these emotions aren't enough, the ego kicks in and the greed takes over and they fall quickly into the top category FEAR. So why do so many choose fear based emotions over love.  Fear creates a heaviness inside, a life full of pain and uncertainty, which ultimately leads yo...

Knock ~ Knock

Who's there?  There in your dreams........have you ever wondered why someone pops up in your dreams?  Dreams are fascinating and I truly believe that they hold answers for us.  However, when we are awake our ego sneaks in and usually we get hung up on unnecessary parts of the dream.  And we try to define the dream as we would when we are awake, ex. if someone dies in our dreams, we fear the end is near for them.  This usually isn't the case.   Dreams have been a huge interest of mine; I have books, attended workshops on dreams and researched dreams and their meanings.  The following is MY belief on dreaming of others (alive) that visit you in your dreams..........take it for what is worth! :). I heard once that if you dream of someone that person is in tune with you or thinking of you as well and together you meet in your dreams.  I like this concept and have actually had dreams of people and within the next few days, received a phone call or...


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An old Cherokee told his grandson, "My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil.  It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, LIES AND EGO.   The other is Good.  It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and TRUTH." The boy thought about it and asked, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?" The old man quietly replied, "The one you feed." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Which do you feed?  For that is the Karma that you will receive.  Life is lived moment to moment and each thought and action we take is quietly taking form and soon will become our reality.  Each of us creates our own reality, based on our thoughts and actions.  Actions NOT taken also create our reality. Life consists of interaction with one another-so if you lie, deceive, hurt others, you in turn tell the Universe how to treat you and this you wi...


Wow!!!  Seems like my last blog sparked something in a lot of people.  Not only did I receive numerous emails, texts, and calls about this blog, but this topic was brought up with random people in everyday conversations!! Everyone spoke of the same thing-Karma! And how do you keep yourself Karma Clean. I was asked to blog on a "goal list" something that you could refer to help maintain positive thoughts to ensure positive Karma as the year draws to an end!! Here are some of those goals to keep in mind!!! THINK POSITIVE THOUGHTS!!- I know this is hard I struggle with this one a lot myself.  Every morning before I get out of bed, I list five things I am grateful for.  When I'm really struggling, I send out at least two texts to random people in my phone wishing them a wonderful day!! AND I do a lot of talking to myself, being that friend that I need that tells me the truth of how GOOD I really have it!! THINK FOR YOURSELF -Know what YOU want!  Listen to your ...


As the year once again draws closer to an end.........your thoughts and actions from the past are now appearing!!!  Both the good and the bad, the positive and the negative, for the universe DOES NOT decipher what is in your best interest ~ YOU DO by the intentions you set forth!  So take a minute and reflect on the past, where have your thoughts been?  For you will soon if not already begin to reap what you have sown.   This is true in both your physical/material and emotional desires.  Our thoughts/actions are SUCH a huge influence in what is in our lives!!  Have you been thinking positive thoughts about yourself AND treating others with a loving heart, being kind to others, ensuring your actions WILL NOT hurt another, treating yourself and others with love and compassion, etc.  When you are in a place of love and spirit, your manifestations come quickly and two-fold.  Remember each thought plants a seed in manifestation, how much time and in...


Love with a vengeance!!!!  Never take those who love you for granted. Forget and forgive the small things and never lose contact with those you love.  We are never guaranteed tomorrow~so as you continue to hold onto your fear and pride, sometimes it is okay to love instead of being right.  Say I love you more!!!!  Life is way too short to make it a miserable ride.  Reach out with a kind word or a smile, without an agenda.  Spend the days you have making your world and a wonderful place.  Believe more and trust ALWAYS!! Remember the kindness you save for another day may never come.   BE YOUR GENUINE SELF-----LOVE FROM YOUR HEART!!!


Of course you have.........everyone has........that sinking feeling, that feeling of does anyone even see me in the midst of this crowd, does anyone even care, could I slip out the back and the space that I'm occupying right now would be filled in an instant?  That not knowing, not being able to put your finger on it, but feeling as though you are just as lonely in a crowd as you are when you're all alone.   Been there, done that and I find that when I get to this point, I agonize over doing the things that would put me in a crowd, like going to work, sitting in the living room with the family, going out with friends, even going shopping. I want it done and over with quick and swift.  Yet, at the same time I fear my alone time as I know this is the time for all of the "thoughts" to come flooding into my head, further isolating me from the world.  I quickly at this point, pick up the phone, turn on the TV, grab a book, etc and find that afterwards, I don't remem...


AND TRUST!! A very wise soul said this to me just the other day- Let go and trust !!  After watching her journey and the remarkable things that she continues to accomplish, as well as watching her dreams come true..............I too, have embraced this concept.   I've talked about manifestation and focus in the past and have actually manifested some really remarkable things in my life, however, I have allowed my thoughts to go to places of what I don't want, to fear, worry, and anxiety and YEP, manifested those too.  I knew/know better but every now and again, I allow the negative to enter my mind and if I'm not careful, those ugly, fearful thoughts camp out in my mind making life harder each minute.  For the longest time I thought I had control over my thoughts, until my recent self-check the other day.  I found that I believed and lived this when it was convenient for me and got extremely pissed and frustrated when it didn't go my way.  As someon...


Do you ever wish you could do somethings all over again?  School?  A relationship?  A career?  A hobby?  Do you find yourself thinking that if you could just go back in time, everything would be different, you would have studied harder, loved more, been more of a team player, etc.  Well if you do STOP IT!!!  For everything happens for a reason and every tear you've cried, every hurt feeling you've felt, every disappointment, every failure was needed for you to learn and make the next chapter in your life even better.   Have you ever envied the way someone else handled a situation wishing that you could have had the innate knack to study and retain the knowledge, but no you had to work hard and even with the hours of studying you put in, you still never aced the test like the next guy.  Or looked at a couple (whether romantic or a friendship) and wished that you could get a long that well all the time with your bestie or with your significa...




First let me say thank you for all the kind words, likes and support I've received from my last blog!!! It was definitely appreciated and motivating. It also made me realize to never give up on yourself, no matter what life throws at you!  I have learned that no matter how upset I get with a situation or a person, they are deserving of respect and kindness, BUT SO AM I!!!!  I am truly blessed to have the family and friends that I do, not only for their unconditional love and support, but for the examples they set and continually live up too!!!   I started yesterday with Spiritual Sunday and reached out to a few people with words of encouragement and messages from angels.  I then meditated and found that my zen wasn't gone, I had just moved away from it.  Today, I stayed open and positive, moving forward and not allowing fear or doubt to cloud my mind.  I am so glad to be back to me, back to helping others, as well as myself.  I am aware that life ...


For years I have struggled with who I really am.  Who I want to be or who I think I should be.  I have wanted to impress others and deeply yearned for approval.  I told only those close to me of my dreams and desires due to my fear of not being able to manifest my dreams.  My fears of failure and my fears of ridicule.  For years, I have lived my life on the outside to please others, all along secretively living a double life that few knew the depths of or even the understanding of what it meant to me.  So because of the "mask" I wore and the fears that kept me imprisoned, I allowed myself to live up to what I thought others expected instead of living in my joy.  My joy? Spirituality.....I am a human being that has the ability to connect to spirit, I communicate and receive messages and guidance for myself as well as for others.  I have shared this gift with my trusted circle and as of late I have felt such a strong push to make this life that I s...


Do you really know what you want in life?  Does your mind change as often as your underwear? Do your wants and aspirations change depending on others opinions, views or advice?  Do you discard of things and people easily, constantly looking for something new?   DO YOU REALIZE YOUR INABILITY TO MAKE A DECISION CAN ACTUALLY ASSIST THE UNIVERSE IN BRINGING YOU EVERYTHING YOU DON'T WANT??? Why you ask?  The answer is simple, do you focus on what you have or what you don't have? So many focus on what they don't want, instead of fixing what they do have and making it work, therefore you continue to get what you don't want.  Is there a pattern in your life, one that continues to repeat itself?  Uncertainty, knowing, uncertainty, knowing, etc.  Of course we will all doubt ourselves, our decisions, and wonder if we made the right decision.   Some may even end up with regrets.  But the more we sit in kicking the dirt and beating ourselves up for o...