Knock ~ Knock

Who's there?  There in your dreams........have you ever wondered why someone pops up in your dreams?  Dreams are fascinating and I truly believe that they hold answers for us.  However, when we are awake our ego sneaks in and usually we get hung up on unnecessary parts of the dream.  And we try to define the dream as we would when we are awake, ex. if someone dies in our dreams, we fear the end is near for them.  This usually isn't the case.  

Dreams have been a huge interest of mine; I have books, attended workshops on dreams and researched dreams and their meanings.  The following is MY belief on dreaming of others (alive) that visit you in your dreams..........take it for what is worth! :).

I heard once that if you dream of someone that person is in tune with you or thinking of you as well and together you meet in your dreams.  I like this concept and have actually had dreams of people and within the next few days, received a phone call or ran into them somewhere random.  I've read that what a person does in your dreams tells you how they feel about you, ex. if they don't make eye contact - they don't want to take responsibility for something.  I'm still on the fence with this, you see I believe that our dreams our all about US!!  So, when someone is in your dream, figure out what they are doing and how you are feeling about it.  Your spirit is trying to get you see the issue in a different perspective, this is a time for you to figure out what it is you were/are supposed to learn from this person.  It can be difficult at times, but once you start to look at your dreams for answers and look at them from a neutral standpoint, you will be able to better understand where you need to make changes within.  They are great tools to show you your blockades and your true desires.  I believe dreams are your spirit talking to you when your ego can't get in the way.

I'm sure that you have had dreams and remember bits and pieces, which can you drive absolutely NUTS or what you do remember makes absolutely NO SENSE and eventually (within a couple of hours) you forget.  This would happen to me and so I started to get serious with my dreaming.  I had heard that you can astral project in your dreams.  I have experienced out of body experiences in the past (really not knowing what they were at the time) and was extremely intrigued of doing it again, once I learned what it actually was :).  I begin to record my dreams (the ones I remembered as soon as I woke up).  The more I became aware and determined to learn to focus more on my dreams as a way to get answers I became a lucid dreamer.  Now when I dream it is as if I am watching a movie that I'm in.  I can see everything from above.  I ask questions in my dreams and when I awaken I can usually state what the issue is and how to resolve it.  

Pay more attention to your dreams-use them to assist you in your journey.


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