For years I have struggled with who I really am.  Who I want to be or who I think I should be.  I have wanted to impress others and deeply yearned for approval.  I told only those close to me of my dreams and desires due to my fear of not being able to manifest my dreams.  My fears of failure and my fears of ridicule.  For years, I have lived my life on the outside to please others, all along secretively living a double life that few knew the depths of or even the understanding of what it meant to me.  So because of the "mask" I wore and the fears that kept me imprisoned, I allowed myself to live up to what I thought others expected instead of living in my joy.  My joy? Spirituality.....I am a human being that has the ability to connect to spirit, I communicate and receive messages and guidance for myself as well as for others.  I have shared this gift with my trusted circle and as of late I have felt such a strong push to make this life that I so appreciate spill over to everyone.  I know to the very core of my being this is what my purpose is and am committed to get back to it 100%.  The kind words of gratitude from those I have helped are constant reminders of why I do what I do.  A respected and trusted friend of mine, reminds me "your opinion of me is none of my business". 

I spoke to a very wise and intelligent soul today and am pleased to announce I will be purging myself of my fears and anxieties and begin to live openly, trusting, believing and experiencing all that resides and resonates inside of me.  I will be sharing this new-found experience in weekly (at least) blogs, which will be riddled with the messages that come from within.  Also, don't be surprised as I prepare myself on Sunday for the week ahead, completely armed with a cup of coffee and the dedication to meditation and spiritual connection to receive an email or text.  Who knows spirit may just have a message for you.

Today is the day I begin to live my life with strength, courage and belief!!!


  1. I want you too know how proud I am off you! You can do this and I'm excited to keep reading the things you write. I love you always, and forever! Thanks!!


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