As the year once again draws closer to an end.........your thoughts and actions from the past are now appearing!!!  Both the good and the bad, the positive and the negative, for the universe DOES NOT decipher what is in your best interest ~ YOU DO by the intentions you set forth!  So take a minute and reflect on the past, where have your thoughts been?  For you will soon if not already begin to reap what you have sown.  

This is true in both your physical/material and emotional desires.  Our thoughts/actions are SUCH a huge influence in what is in our lives!!  Have you been thinking positive thoughts about yourself AND treating others with a loving heart, being kind to others, ensuring your actions WILL NOT hurt another, treating yourself and others with love and compassion, etc.  When you are in a place of love and spirit, your manifestations come quickly and two-fold.  Remember each thought plants a seed in manifestation, how much time and intent do you give these seeds?  While another CAN NOT manifest for you, they can influence the seeds that are planted.  Be sure you surround yourself with people and opinions that are pure, loving, and have your best interest at heart.

If you have focused your thoughts and actions on ego based thoughts, ME, ME, ME-get ready for the ride-Buckle UP and remember you created it!  I'm not saying you can't manifest material things if you're a liar, a cheat, or just plain cruel to people, but you are accumulating Karma at the same time, Karma that you will definitely be responsible for and all the material you have manifested could come crashing down and there may not be anyone around. Your actions are huge!!!  The more you allow your pride and Ego to get involved in your thoughts (which often lead to your actions), you will ALWAYS be the one to pay the price.  

It is crucial to stay focused on the positive and now is the time to right your wrongs......if you have treated someone poorly, make it right, if you have lied, tell the truth (tell the truth ALWAYS).  Forgive yourself and others DAILY!! Maintain positive thinking, you will know you are slipping if your thoughts lead your actions to hurt yourself or someone else.  

Manifestation takes focus, specific wants, believing in your worthiness and the ability to receive.  I have watched many unbelievable things happen in just the past couple of weeks for those that listen to their heart.  Everything happens for a reason!!! Keep believing as you rightfully welcome all the wonderful gifts that you have been focused on!!!

Ready or not-here it comes!!!


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