Do you really know what you want in life?  Does your mind change as often as your underwear? Do your wants and aspirations change depending on others opinions, views or advice?  Do you discard of things and people easily, constantly looking for something new?  DO YOU REALIZE YOUR INABILITY TO MAKE A DECISION CAN ACTUALLY ASSIST THE UNIVERSE IN BRINGING YOU EVERYTHING YOU DON'T WANT???

Why you ask?  The answer is simple, do you focus on what you have or what you don't have? So many focus on what they don't want, instead of fixing what they do have and making it work, therefore you continue to get what you don't want.  Is there a pattern in your life, one that continues to repeat itself?  Uncertainty, knowing, uncertainty, knowing, etc.  Of course we will all doubt ourselves, our decisions, and wonder if we made the right decision.   Some may even end up with regrets.  But the more we sit in kicking the dirt and beating ourselves up for our stupid choices, the more stupid choices keep popping up!!  It's inevitable, what you focus on you get!! 

However, there are those that stop and look at where they are, what they have and the joy (emotional or physical) it brings to their life, at times things need to be fixed-----look for a solution rather than throwing things away like yesterday's trash!!  Let's take a look at this in a different way, take your car, you appreciate that it gets you from point A to point B, but ultimately, the wear and tear takes a toll on the car and it begins to sputter-WHAT DO YOU DO-throw it away and get another, well I guess if you're loaded, but most of us, get frustrated, kick the tires, cuss it out and then look for a solution to get it back up and running.  Life is the same way, look for the solution to an issue, instead of focusing on the unwanted.  

I applaud all of those that know what they want in life-GET IT!!!


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