An old Cherokee told his grandson, "My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all.

One is Evil.  It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, LIES AND EGO.  
The other is Good.  It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and TRUTH."

The boy thought about it and asked, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?"

The old man quietly replied, "The one you feed."
Which do you feed?  For that is the Karma that you will receive.  Life is lived moment to moment and each thought and action we take is quietly taking form and soon will become our reality.  Each of us creates our own reality, based on our thoughts and actions.  Actions NOT taken also create our reality. Life consists of interaction with one another-so if you lie, deceive, hurt others, you in turn tell the Universe how to treat you and this you will receive. HOWEVER, doing nothing also has Karmic balance.  When we neglect to speak up for others, ask for forgiveness or lend an ear or a hand to someone in need, we lose out on the gift of becoming a positive change in "our" world. While receiving always feels nice, the ultimate Karma Cleanse is giving.........of yourself, your heart.  

I know people (not many) that have the ability to get beat up, walked on, treated like shit, taken for granted, lied to, cheated on, etc. and still their heart remains open and they still see the "good" in the other person.  I once thought this was weakness at its best!!  I have come to learn that this is one of the strongest characteristic of a person.  The ability to love and forgive, undeniable strength.  It is also a sign of commitment and focus.  Now DO NOT get me wrong, I am not and will never advocate abuse of any type, physical or emotional, but these types of people don't hold grudges and they love from their heart, the very depths of their hearts, usually people move away from them, mainly due to shame.  

If we are all not as strong as the ones that can turn a cheek so easily, how do we keep our Karma clean? Well knowing where the negative thoughts come from and why is a start.  Of course we all know negativity is fear based and that comes from the past.  We can only change ourselves and that means that you can begin right now to believe that the negativity that dances in your head is a thing of the past and you have the ability just by thinking of changing the outcome. Example......take a bad relationship or even a crippled friendship, you were wronged, you were hurt, your heart broken and so on.  You look at it and either blame the other or beat yourself up for not being able to see the other person for what they were earlier.  I urge you to look for what you were supposed to learn, maybe how to treat people, maybe how to speak up for yourself (or others), maybe not listening to people who fueled your fire, maybe to not be so needy or so distant, maybe to trust, maybe to share your feelings, etc. Get it? You were supposed to learn something about yourself and work on changing it.  Owning it is the first step, understanding why is the next, embracing the change and releasing the negativity, stepping into the positive is the grand outcome.  

As long as you hold onto the negativity of the past you will continue to create the same drama/karma that you are swimming in now.  Life is what you think of it........rewrite the book with a different outcome, one that is filled with positive thoughts and love, you will never be sorry and you will only the see the positive for the negative will be nothing but another lesson you will quickly see, learn, and move on to the next.

No matter how hard it is, don't give up on yourself!!!


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