A very wise soul said this to me just the other day-Let go and trust!!  After watching her journey and the remarkable things that she continues to accomplish, as well as watching her dreams come true..............I too, have embraced this concept.  

I've talked about manifestation and focus in the past and have actually manifested some really remarkable things in my life, however, I have allowed my thoughts to go to places of what I don't want, to fear, worry, and anxiety and YEP, manifested those too.  I knew/know better but every now and again, I allow the negative to enter my mind and if I'm not careful, those ugly, fearful thoughts camp out in my mind making life harder each minute. 

For the longest time I thought I had control over my thoughts, until my recent self-check the other day.  I found that I believed and lived this when it was convenient for me and got extremely pissed and frustrated when it didn't go my way.  As someone told me once, "life shouldn't be so hard", I pondered this statement, searching my mind for the culprit who was making it so difficult.  But yet the answer always came back around to ME!!  And yes, I asked the question a few more times just to make sure..........the result ~ the same.  Then the next question? Why? I mean really, was I that bored that I was going to continue in situations that were draining, exhausting, frustrating, self-defeating (you get the picture) or was I going to pull my thoughts together, re-group and redirect them in a more positive, inviting and accepting manner.  I decided that would be my next quest, so I knew that I would have to consciously watch my thoughts and re-direct whenever and where ever needed.  I focus(ed) on what I want(ed) and trust(ed) and allow(ed), the results have been nothing short of remarkable.  

So remember to focus on the positive, allow the change, trust the process and get out of the way!!!!  Even if that means you have to wake every morning (like me) and have a talk with yourself telling your mind to stay positive and open.  Live in the moment, it is the only thing you are guaranteed right now!!!


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