Wow!!!  Seems like my last blog sparked something in a lot of people.  Not only did I receive numerous emails, texts, and calls about this blog, but this topic was brought up with random people in everyday conversations!! Everyone spoke of the same thing-Karma! And how do you keep yourself Karma Clean. I was asked to blog on a "goal list" something that you could refer to help maintain positive thoughts to ensure positive Karma as the year draws to an end!! Here are some of those goals to keep in mind!!!

THINK POSITIVE THOUGHTS!!-I know this is hard I struggle with this one a lot myself.  Every morning before I get out of bed, I list five things I am grateful for.  When I'm really struggling, I send out at least two texts to random people in my phone wishing them a wonderful day!! AND I do a lot of talking to myself, being that friend that I need that tells me the truth of how GOOD I really have it!!

THINK FOR YOURSELF-Know what YOU want!  Listen to your heart not your ego!  Remember your heart ALWAYS brings good Karma, while your Ego will ALWAYS bring the negative.  Surround yourself with people who love you for you, not what you have, what you look like, or what you can do for them!!

CHECK YOUR GOALS-Sometimes we overwhelm ourselves by always daydreaming, having a dream and then making it bigger and bigger. Eventually it seems out of our reach and we begin to doubt ourselves.  If your goals or aspirations seem out of reach, scale them back until the goal is manageable.  

THROW OUT HIDDEN AGENDAS-Never over commit yourself or do something hoping to get something in return.  Be real, be authentic, be yourself.  

BE HONEST ALWAYS-Especially with yourself.  Check yourself constantly, if you have something to hide or ashamed of your behavior, correct it immediately!!

LEARN FROM YOUR PAST-DON'T LIVE IN IT-We sometimes have a tendency to live in our past, whether we feel as though we missed something or we need to stew in our past transgressions to "pay" for our wrong doing. Learn from it and let it go!!

ALWAYS BE KIND-Even to those that have wronged you!!!

Just a couple of things to help you get through the next few weeks left in the year.  

Hell send a text or an email right now, thanking someone that has made a difference in your life!!! :)


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