Do you believe that this life is all about what you acquire? Car? Job? Partner? Toys? Money? Or do you believe it is much more simple? I believe life is nothing but an opportunity to become a better YOU. A chance to really develop your spiritual potential. It is a place to practice and strengthen who you. I believe there is a heaven, a place where we all go and a place where we have all been. Our core group of family (those people in this life) that are part of your daily routine, those you would do anything for, those that can piss you off quicker than anyone, those that you love with all of your heart. Even before you came to this earth you knew you would work together on experiencing the best parts of the, joy, peace, happiness, etc. While you live each day, each person in your core group has the same ability to choose what they feel is or will be best for them. At times, you will disagree with their cho...