
Showing posts from October, 2013


Do you believe that this life is all about what you acquire?  Car? Job? Partner? Toys? Money?  Or do you believe it is much more simple?  I believe life is nothing but an opportunity to become a better YOU.  A chance to really develop your spiritual potential.  It is a place to practice and strengthen who you.  I believe there is a heaven, a place where we all go and a place where we have all been.  Our core group of family (those people in this life) that are part of your daily routine, those you would do anything for, those that can piss you off quicker than anyone, those that you love with all of your heart.  Even before you came to this earth you knew you would work together on experiencing the best parts of the, joy, peace, happiness, etc.  While you live each day, each person in your core group has the same ability to choose what they feel is or will be best for them.  At times, you will disagree with their cho...


Do you allow life to unfold and happen as it should?  Or do you fight it every step of the way?  Do you believe that all of the "bad" that happens in your life "just happens', so much that you find yourself fighting for a different outcome?  Does life sometimes seem "like too much work?  Do you wish you could give yourself a time out more than you give your three year old?  Well, then you may not be allowing life to "happen".  You see, I don't believe life is as difficult or hard as we make it seem in our minds.  If you want a situation to work out in a positive way. If you want your relationship to work without putting in countless hours of hard work. Then ALLOW.  FIGHTING LIFE -You know you are fighting life when you are constantly worrying about something.  (remember when you worry you are planning - whatever you are worrying about will eventually manifest in your world one way or another).  When you try to control a situati...


Where are you?  Stop and look at where you are right now, right this minute, the minute that you are reading this message to YOU.  Are you proud of yourself?  Have you progressed in life or are you still making the choices and decisions that you have made in the past?  The lessons you were to learn from yet believe that if you hold on maybe the outcome will be different this time?  Have you made changes in yourself?  Or do you continue to blame everyone else for where you are?  Do you dig deep inside to fix your flaws?  Or do you allow your ego to talk you into the blame game?  Have you given up on your spirit fearing that it doesn't know what is good for you?  Have you fallen into a state of depression?  Feel sad?  Alone?  Superior?  Guilty? Afraid?  Ashamed?  Uncertain? Angry?  Are you searching frantically for the outside source that caused this pain?  Or do you have the strength and coura...


Do you find yourself worrying constantly?  About work, your health, relationships, family?  Do you wish that the fear, anxiety, hopelessness would stop? Well that is your body trying to communicate with you.  Your body communicates to you when it is in disarray through pain or illness, whether that is shoulder pain (carrying too much emotional strain from others around with you), to toe pain (regret or guilt about a direction you have taken) to fear in your mind.  While I believe illnesses from the common cold to cancer is emotionally charged and manifested (which is a whole other blog), I truly believe that we create and manifest our own reality, whether positive or negative trying to feed and fulfill our subconscious mind.  Take for instance at work there is a promotion coming up and you're in the running.  You being to think about it constantly, if I get this promotion I won't have to worry about money.  Next day, BAM, you land the job and g...

PAST LIVES???? Do you believe?

Do you believe in past lives?  Reincarnation? Do you ever have that de ja vu feeling?  Do you ever feel as though you have lived before or wondered if you have and what you did?  Who you were?  What issues you faced and what lessons you brought from your previous life into your present life?  Do you wonder if these issues could be holding you back now?  Well, if so and you are interested in booking a past life regression session with me, please contact me at mrosetapia or by text.   


Another great request!!! Thank you!! “There is no failure except in no longer trying.” ― Elbert Hubbard Do you give up on yourself too easily?  In your career, relationships, friends, projects?  Are you the type that is committed 100% when it is good, but when it gets rough, you look for greener pastures?  You throw in the towel with a project half done, walk away from a relationship/marriage or do you stop and realize that the ONLY reason you are on this earth is to learn?  Even the best relationships suffer, have their ups and downs, but it is YOUR responsibility to embrace the tough times as opportunities to learn and grow.  Do you know that when begin remodeling your house and you just can't get the room to look the way you envisioned and you feel like giving up and walking away, this is exactly the roadblock you were suppose to have?  By giving up, you are DESTINED to encounter it again and again until you keep trying changing your view...


I believe that so many of us have lost sight, moved away from or don't even really know what our core belief is anymore.  The belief deep in your gut far away from ego, society or others.  Your true gut feeling of what is right and wrong for you.  I am going to hold a get together to discuss and help identify your core belief, how to find it and how to move it back in your life to help you with situations.  Please comment and let me know if you are interested in attending and what dates and times work best for you.  For those of you that read this through your email or telephone, please email me at mrosetapia or text me if interested.  Hope to work with you soon!!!


Do you know the difference?  Check yourself!!!!  I assure you, my friend, that an ego driven life will bring you sorrow, let downs, sadness and disappointment.  The ego is one of the most self-destructive issues in a person's character.  When your ego is in the driver's seat you will live in the past, always planning for the future, totally missing the present.  The ego allows you to blame everyone/everything around you for your choices. The ego is about appearances and impressions. An ego-based person lives by acquiring material possessions to feel whole and valuable.   Remember.....the ego will NEVER be satisfied, so the money and time spent on trying to fill it up will not happen.  Oh don't get me wrong you may get a "rush" or a "high" that will help you to believe that even a faster car will make you even more appealing, but I promise you it won't.  Your ego is on an elusive self-fulfilling mission and when you allow it to drive, yo...


Spirit guides surround us and help us in our lives.  Before we came down to this earth, we knew our spirit guides on a very personal level.  They blessed us with the assurance that they would help and guide us on our journey on this earth.  A spirit guide will not interfere in your free will, however when called upon will help you or guide you in decisions in your life.  Many guides have a particular way to get our attention if they have a message for us.  Mine has always been a "knowing", a thought that comes into my head from out of nowhere and continues to last until I recognize it and give it attention.  A spirit guide will never hurt you, nor will they ever feed your ego.  They have compassion and empathy for you and they can be very helpful as they have the ability to see the bigger picture that your ego limits you from seeing.  A spirit guide will not leave you, even if you move into your ego, they will wait patiently until you come back...


Hmmmmmm.......fitting title for October :)  This one's for you my sweet girl (thank you for the text and suggestion)!! So do you have that same problem..........the constant chatter from the past that just keeps going in your head?  You know when you're just sitting there watching tv, or in traffic, trying to fall asleep, sometimes just endless thoughts that come up and fill your head.  First it might just be one thought of someone you loved, or how you handled a situation, how to played in the game, etc. and before you know it, the thoughts have made you feel depressed, hopeless, and sad.  Once again, they have won!  You feel as though you can never be happy, you'll never find that right "person", never land that promotion, etc.  You try and try to busy yourself, find something else to occupy your mind and drive the demons from the past right out of your head, but to no avail.  Yes my friend, the thoughts are from the past.  Because the w...

IMPORTANT!!! Living in Gratitude!!!

It is time once again to focus on gratitude.  For gratitude is what will get you what you want in life.  To often we focus on what we don't have, what other's have, or what we think will make us happy.  All along, missing all that surrounds us right now!!!  You see when you live in gratitude, when you feel it in your heart~thankful for those in your life, your job, your home, your ability to love, your ability to be loved, every THING, regardless how big or small, when you really focus on what you have, with such appreciation, the more of it comes your way.  When you allow doubt, even the smallest of doubts (which can and will manifest into more) you are not truly living in gratitude.  Sit for a moment, close your eyes and allow every face, every blessing to run through your mind.  Smile at each one and vow to yourself to love.  When you open your eyes, look around at all that is around you, and know you are loved.  Take a minute and sen...


I'm looking to you that read my blog to suggest topics!!  Please comment on this blog with ideas!! Thanks