Do you find yourself worrying constantly?  About work, your health, relationships, family?  Do you wish that the fear, anxiety, hopelessness would stop? Well that is your body trying to communicate with you.  Your body communicates to you when it is in disarray through pain or illness, whether that is shoulder pain (carrying too much emotional strain from others around with you), to toe pain (regret or guilt about a direction you have taken) to fear in your mind.  While I believe illnesses from the common cold to cancer is emotionally charged and manifested (which is a whole other blog), I truly believe that we create and manifest our own reality, whether positive or negative trying to feed and fulfill our subconscious mind. 

Take for instance at work there is a promotion coming up and you're in the running.  You being to think about it constantly, if I get this promotion I won't have to worry about money.  Next day, BAM, you land the job and guess what that worry or anxiety has just been replaced with a new one.  Your mind will constantly tell you that you have to fix something on the outside to change your inner thoughts. If you seek a relationship, something "new" believing that it will fix the loneliness, the misunderstood you, the FEAR on the inside, you again will find external changes do not fix internal issues.  The problem is within, you do not accept and love yourself completely.  Until you do you will continue to search/seek for someone or something to fill it.  All along you will blame others for your worry and set out to end it.  However, until you take responsibility for the fact that you created the worry and that it doesn't have to exist, you will forever try to find an outside fix and never feel fulfilled.  You will never have fulfilling relationships friends or lovers if you are searching for something "new" for the new relationships occur because of your fear.  Say, you're BFF of twenty years suddenly doesn't call you every day.  Their new job has them extremely busy.  Your mind begins to throw a huge "pity" party of itself.  You begin to question whether they were really a good friend in the first place, and so on and so on.  Poor picked on you.  Eventually, those thoughts turn from fear that your friend may no longer be there exactly the way you believe they should be into anger and you begin to call others to take their place.  The new friend seems like just what you needed and for the "honeymoon phase" you are elated with your choice.  As always, the honeymoon period wears off and problems arise or the friendship fizzles out, because you never addressed the problem within.   Same thing goes for romantic relationships,  you begin to worry, feel jealous, feel unappreciated, etc.  and think maybe someone else can fill this void.  You venture out and find someone willing to entertain you, because again remember in the beginning EVERYONE wears rose colored glasses, we all say what others want to hear. Eventually, you find it isn't what you wanted and not what you were looking for.  This is usually where REGRET sets in with people, because like I've said in other blogs, chasing happiness will ALWAYS elude you.  It is not in material things, a new job, a new home, a new relationship.  If you are unhappy and use any of these to fill the unhappiness, you will continue to be unhappy.  For happiness can only come from within. 

I watched as my father chased happiness all his life.  He had to have the best car, then the biggest truck, a swimming pool, vacations, name brand jewelry.  He had to have everything and each item he bought (which he was sure was going to bring him happiness) was eventually replaced with something else, until he thought that maybe happiness wasn't in material possessions, but possibly he could find happiness in people.  Oh, the numerous thoughts that had to be playing in his head...I'm sure all of them were set up to make him the victim.  He wasn't getting happiness, he thought,  from his family, so he ventured out on his own, found a woman that would tell him everything he wanted to hear (which was like magic to his ears, she got it, unlike his family she could see how unappreciated and controlled he was)......she was truly a master manipulator (as was he).  Don't get me wrong I do not place blame on this woman.....the responsibility lies with my father.  He did what we have talked about he placed blame everywhere, except on himself.  Once the "glasses" were taken off, he realized that he wasn't any happier than before.  He wreaked havoc and destruction on many people around him for his own selfish, immature way of looking for others to make him happy.  One of the worst things you can do is to play the victim role when worrying, when you do, you become very selfish in your words and actions.

So, to stay true to yourself, stay in the moment, appreciate what is in your life, recognize that you have an issue inside, ask for help if needed, but identify the issue and replace the screwed up dialog with positive loving thoughts.  Only you can do this!!!!  I promise you NOBODY else can make you happy.  So stop worrying and BE HAPPY!!



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