Do you allow life to unfold and happen as it should?  Or do you fight it every step of the way?  Do you believe that all of the "bad" that happens in your life "just happens', so much that you find yourself fighting for a different outcome?  Does life sometimes seem "like too much work?  Do you wish you could give yourself a time out more than you give your three year old?  Well, then you may not be allowing life to "happen". 

You see, I don't believe life is as difficult or hard as we make it seem in our minds.  If you want a situation to work out in a positive way. If you want your relationship to work without putting in countless hours of hard work. Then ALLOW. 

FIGHTING LIFE-You know you are fighting life when you are constantly worrying about something.  (remember when you worry you are planning - whatever you are worrying about will eventually manifest in your world one way or another).  When you try to control a situation or another, especially through manipulation or hidden agenda.  (Example.  If I'm really nice to my boss today, he will give me the day off.  Or I sent a birthday card to an old boyfriend, he's going to have to call or text me back.  I don't want my friend to hang out with "that" girl so I will say things that will make my friend embarrass to be seen with her).  These are what I call hidden agenda, when something is done in hopes that the end result will benefit you.  9 times out of 10, the opposite happens and you become even more upset.  A bad attitude, a victim attitude, a self-indulgent attitude are all examples of fighting life. 

The more you fight life the longer it takes to receive the happiness that is rightfully yours.  The peace that you so desire and the joy that comes from the peace and happiness.

ALLOWING-Live in the now and be grateful for everything and every minute of your life.  When you live in gratitude you are preparing for abundance.  What you allow your mind to focus on is what you are preparing for.  If you believe you are in a bad relationship, that is exactly what you will get.  If you believe your job sucks, it will continue to suck until you change your mind, appreciate that you have a loving significant other (but that life has ups and downs for you to learn from), appreciate that you have a job and believe that nothing but greatness will come from your relationship or your job.  Living for right now, being happy right now is what changes life to allow good things to come to you.

When we fight we send messages to the universe to keep making it harder and harder and WOW it does that.  When we allow and don't question how the goodness comes to us, the goodness surrounds us. 

BEGIN TODAY-ALLOW AND BELIEVE!!!!  Life will be everything you want it to be!!


  1. This is definitely what I needed to read today!

  2. Glad to hear it Crystal!! Funny how when we need to hear something our angels find ways of putting it out there in front of us. :)


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