Spirit guides surround us and help us in our lives.  Before we came down to this earth, we knew our spirit guides on a very personal level.  They blessed us with the assurance that they would help and guide us on our journey on this earth.  A spirit guide will not interfere in your free will, however when called upon will help you or guide you in decisions in your life. 

Many guides have a particular way to get our attention if they have a message for us.  Mine has always been a "knowing", a thought that comes into my head from out of nowhere and continues to last until I recognize it and give it attention.  A spirit guide will never hurt you, nor will they ever feed your ego.  They have compassion and empathy for you and they can be very helpful as they have the ability to see the bigger picture that your ego limits you from seeing.  A spirit guide will not leave you, even if you move into your ego, they will wait patiently until you come back to your spirit. 

So many people ask how do I contact my spirit guide!! Easy!  Ask and listen.  Sounds very easy, but so many think that the messages that come are ego driven.  As long as you clear your mind, believe and ask you can find a spirit guides name and begin to find how they communicate with you.  I will either get a lump in my stomach or an overwhelming feeling in my chest/heart area.  It is then that I take a deep breath and listen. 

Spirit guides are not here to help you win the lottery (for winning the lottery may not be part of your purpose in life), so do not waste your time and effort asking them for winning numbers.  They will however, assist you in finding way out of difficult situations, by either assisting you in being honest, loving and humble when confronting the situation.  They can help you with material things, but know that the way they help you may not be the idea you had in your head, so when you ask............allow.

I often ask for my spirit guides just for the feeling of their presence and immediately I feel peace.  How to tell if the messages are from spirit guides?  The messages will only feel loving and fill you with joy and peace.  You will not feel superior (this is your ego).  The humility you will feel and the want to do right and act right is all that will come.  Anything else is your self serving ego, learn to differentiate between the two. 

So take a minute, breath, close your eyes, clear your mind and introduce yourself to your spirit guide.  Ask them anything, I suggest starting out by asking their name.  Be patient, be aware of your body and allow their answer to come.  It is the beginning of a beautiful and fulfilling relationship. 


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