Do you know the difference?  Check yourself!!!!  I assure you, my friend, that an ego driven life will bring you sorrow, let downs, sadness and disappointment.  The ego is one of the most self-destructive issues in a person's character.  When your ego is in the driver's seat you will live in the past, always planning for the future, totally missing the present.  The ego allows you to blame everyone/everything around you for your choices. The ego is about appearances and impressions. An ego-based person lives by acquiring material possessions to feel whole and valuable.   Remember.....the ego will NEVER be satisfied, so the money and time spent on trying to fill it up will not happen.  Oh don't get me wrong you may get a "rush" or a "high" that will help you to believe that even a faster car will make you even more appealing, but I promise you it won't.  Your ego is on an elusive self-fulfilling mission and when you allow it to drive, you better hang on!! If you are in a relationship with an ego-driven person (friendship, family or romantic), they will constantly shift the blame and manipulate the truth to expose the most vulnerable pieces of your heart.  Ego driven people constantly look to those around them for acceptance.  An ego driven person is all about I, self centered.  They are the kind that will hurt those around them for their own needs. 

A spiritual driven life is living in the moment, knowing it is all you EVER have, the past is gone and the future is not guaranteed.  It provides, peace, love and happiness.  A spirit driven person will encourage you, love you for your flaws and your faults.  They will tell you the truth.  They will cherish you and wish and want nothing but the best for you.  They love to see you happy.  They think of you when making decisions and choices.  A spirit minded person does not like to see people suffer.  A spirit driven person is definitely one you want in your life. 

So how do you tell if you are living in an ego driven state:

1.  Concern of approval from others..  Have to have the biggest, fastest, shiniest vehicle, have to have name brand clothing.  Always looking for acceptance. 

2. Comparing and Competing.  Comparing yourself to others will ALWAYS be a losing battle, because there will always be someone that has something better, ALWAYS.  Competing will lead you to unhappiness as there will always be someone better.

3.  Need for more.  This is greed.  Never being happy with what you have means never feeling fulfilled. 

4.  Lack of living in the now.  Those are the ones that live in the past, the ones that wish they were 18 again, the good old days, and dream of the future, when they have this and that.  They fail to see the beauty of what is in front of them. 

So I ask you to check yourself every morning, as ego driven vs spiritual driven is a choice and when things don't go your way it may just be due to the fact of what you have driving you at the time!!!



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