IMPORTANT!!! Living in Gratitude!!!

It is time once again to focus on gratitude.  For gratitude is what will get you what you want in life.  To often we focus on what we don't have, what other's have, or what we think will make us happy.  All along, missing all that surrounds us right now!!! 

You see when you live in gratitude, when you feel it in your heart~thankful for those in your life, your job, your home, your ability to love, your ability to be loved, every THING, regardless how big or small, when you really focus on what you have, with such appreciation, the more of it comes your way.  When you allow doubt, even the smallest of doubts (which can and will manifest into more) you are not truly living in gratitude. 

Sit for a moment, close your eyes and allow every face, every blessing to run through your mind.  Smile at each one and vow to yourself to love.  When you open your eyes, look around at all that is around you, and know you are loved.  Take a minute and send the message either mentally or electronically (like I am right now) to those who mean something to you and tell them how much you love them and appreciate everything they do.  Not only will it make you feel like a million bucks, it will make them feel just as special. 

To all my family, friends and those that have been a part of my life....thank you for all the ups and downs, all the lessons, all the love and for just being you!!!!  I cherish each and every one of you!!!

My challenge to each of you........................For the next seven days, tell at least one person, more is even better how much they mean to you.  Live in Gratitude my friends, it will change your lives and bring happiness to you!!!



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