Do you believe that this life is all about what you acquire?  Car? Job? Partner? Toys? Money?  Or do you believe it is much more simple? 

I believe life is nothing but an opportunity to become a better YOU.  A chance to really develop your spiritual potential.  It is a place to practice and strengthen who you.  I believe there is a heaven, a place where we all go and a place where we have all been.  Our core group of family (those people in this life) that are part of your daily routine, those you would do anything for, those that can piss you off quicker than anyone, those that you love with all of your heart.  Even before you came to this earth you knew you would work together on experiencing the best parts of the, joy, peace, happiness, etc.  While you live each day, each person in your core group has the same ability to choose what they feel is or will be best for them.  At times, you will disagree with their choices (if you're like me, you will try to control them - because you think you know better), other times you will be amazed and inspired by their choices.  You may even find their choices appalling enough, that you move them to place in your world where you don't interact much with them.  This is exactly how life is supposed to unfold. 

Each one of us has our own journey, our own path we are destined to walk down, but we assist each other in our choices.  It is your choice whether you use judgment when looking at others or the opportunity to learn.  In order to learn you must be willing to be honest with yourself.  So often we look to others for blame for our inability to move forward to feel happiness and joy.  The only person responsible for your happiness is you!!  Looking and asking the question why does this bother me so much will unlock the key to what you are pushing down or not facing in your own life.  So often I hear people talk about their significant others/boyfriend/girlfriend.  He/she didn't call me today, but for the past five months they have called everyday.  The thoughts start to swirl and by the time you have allowed your ego to chit/chat in your head the other person is a thoughtless, inconsiderate, selfish SOB.  I would ask.  What does that phone call give you that you can't get from yourself?  The answers are usually simple to pathetic.  From I really don't know why I'm because if he/she loved me they would call.  Really?  that's all love is to you?  A telephone call?  Maybe you need to look a little deeper. 

Continue to remember your reason for your existence, to learn.  Remember your goal, happiness and joy.  Remember to allow without fighting, but to embrace every uncomfortable moment in life as an opportunity to strengthen a weakness inside.  Remember others are to enhance your life and experience, it's usually you that attaches the labels.  Why?  It always seems to come back to lack of self worth.  If you don't believe you are worthy you will continue to receive experiences of "lack". 

You are worth so much more, believe and LIVE!!


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