Another great request!!! Thank you!!

“There is no failure except in no longer trying.”
Elbert Hubbard

Do you give up on yourself too easily?  In your career, relationships, friends, projects?  Are you the type that is committed 100% when it is good, but when it gets rough, you look for greener pastures?  You throw in the towel with a project half done, walk away from a relationship/marriage or do you stop and realize that the ONLY reason you are on this earth is to learn?  Even the best relationships suffer, have their ups and downs, but it is YOUR responsibility to embrace the tough times as opportunities to learn and grow. 

Do you know that when begin remodeling your house and you just can't get the room to look the way you envisioned and you feel like giving up and walking away, this is exactly the roadblock you were suppose to have?  By giving up, you are DESTINED to encounter it again and again until you keep trying changing your view and techniques and make it work.  The same goes for relationships.  Relationships ARE suppose to have ups and downs, it really shows you what you are made of when the relationship is in the gutter.  When it gets bad, people tend to believe it would be easier to leave and start anew!!  Oh, how untrue, for you see it isn't the other person that makes things good or bad, it is your ability to take responsibility for your actions and together work on getting up and over them.  I promise, a fresh start will be filled with your rose colored glasses and will seem like the fix you were looking for in the beginning, but you will encounter the same problems again, a lot of times on a bigger scale (the universe figures you weren't listening the first time) and once again you will feel like the grass is greener.  You will either find the new problems you encounter are once again something to give up on and walk away (you will be doing a lot of walking.....because you WILL always have ups and downs), or you may find that one submissive person that will be your lap puppy (oh hell how boring life will be) or you may like many just settle and stop your growth process all together (hmmmmm.  Mom, who could I be talking about :). 

The bad times in a relationship if worked on by both parties will only strengthen your ability to face life hand in hand and laugh at anything it has to offer. If you are a person that wishes to continue your emotional and spiritual growth, and you are with a partner who also desires this, than don't leave! No matter how bad the fights get or the distance gets, unless there is physical violence, or substance abuse, stick with it. It's easy to leave, so easy to blame the other person,  you don't want to miss the wonderful feelings that relationships have that were fought for.  They provide emotional and spiritual growth. 

One of the best ways to make it through the rough patches, communicate!!!!  When you are at a good place discuss your strategies of  communication what you both need and STICK to these when the rough waters come through.  Always, always, always, take responsibility for your actions, apologize, forgive, leave it in the past and move on. 


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