Hmmmmmm.......fitting title for October :)  This one's for you my sweet girl (thank you for the text and suggestion)!!

So do you have that same problem..........the constant chatter from the past that just keeps going in your head?  You know when you're just sitting there watching tv, or in traffic, trying to fall asleep, sometimes just endless thoughts that come up and fill your head.  First it might just be one thought of someone you loved, or how you handled a situation, how to played in the game, etc. and before you know it, the thoughts have made you feel depressed, hopeless, and sad.  Once again, they have won!  You feel as though you can never be happy, you'll never find that right "person", never land that promotion, etc.  You try and try to busy yourself, find something else to occupy your mind and drive the demons from the past right out of your head, but to no avail.  Yes my friend, the thoughts are from the past.  Because the way you view life comes from what you have experienced or been taught.  A boyfriend/girlfriend in the past told you you were fat.  Well your mind stores that and then sure enough before you know it that's exactly how you view yourself.  Someone gave you a label and you took that label and attached it to yourself.  Sometimes for years, often even a lifetime, you will continue to view yourself this way.  We do this to ourselves as well, you didn't get the promotion or the job, immediately we make the assumption it's because we're not good enough, not smart enough.  Once again we have taken a label, tucked it away and that is who we are.  This leads us to unhappy days, relationships and a lifetime of sadness.  We walk away from who we are and eventually we have no idea any longer, I mean hell how could we, there are so many labels we have stuck on ourselves that we don't even no who we are anymore.  This is where so many people get lost from their spirit.


Well it's simple...........................your ego!!  Yep, sounds weird, I had a hard time with this at first, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense.  I like to think...........your ego is the little devil on your shoulder and your spirit is your angel. Your ego is an energy source just like your spirit, however, your ego lives in the "I" world, the I must look good for others, I should look for better, the ego is driven from fear, it is how it gets its power.  So the more ego driven a person is the more a person lives in fear.  Whereas the spirit is pure love, it lives in the gratitude stage, the I'm enough place, the forgiving world.  Believe it or not these two energies battle within you all the time.  The ego is much more forceful when it comes to being in control.  It lives and survives by making you believe your mind is what will make you happy.  It does this through resistance, restriction, blaming, being self-righteous and fearful.  The ego is self-serving and when living in ego, the endless unhappy chatter has to continue in order to keep you in the ego driven mode.  Living in ego or spirit is truly a choice.  Your spirit is driven by self-expression, joy and peace. 


I told a friend this just the other day, instead of always thinking the grass is greener on the other side, water your own DAMN grass.  Simply stating quit living by looking at others and comparing, be grateful and satisfied with what you have in your own yard.  Be creative.  I think of my daughter's fourth grade class, they just finished making pumpkins for Halloween..............each pumpkin different, each one fun to look at, each one as individual as the 8 or 9 year old that created them.  Funny if you think of creating a pumpkin for yourself as an adult, the first thing you would do is make sure it was the best, make sure it was better than the neighbors.  Quit comparing yourself!!!  Live and love life, make that pumpkin have the longest stem or the craziest eyes in the neighborhood!

The best way to move from ego to spirit is to stay present.  I'm telling you ego is fed from the past and when we focus on the past, we live in fear, regret, pain and turmoil, which leads us to judge, manipulate, lie and basically do things to try to kill the feelings of regret and pain.  This is also where we really create a lot of our Karma.  By staying present, you allow yourself to have choice you allow yourself to move spirit in the driver's side.  Take responsibility for your actions and choices.  DO NOT blame someone else for your ego decisions.  Well I did this because you were doing this to me..........oh so ego driven!!!  Man up, take responsibility for your actions, use them to learn and move on.  You can point fingers all you want, however, no body can make you do something.  That's where freedom of choice comes in!!!

Another way to quiet the chatter, recognize it going on in your head, instead of just allowing to play on and on, recognize it and then attempt to watch it as a neutral party.  See that the words are just that words, you are the one that turns them into the feelings inside.  You have the ability to see yourself and the way your ego wreaks havoc in your life and change that.  When you stay present in the now, always looking at what is good in your life right now, the ego can't win for it lives in the past trying to get you to fear the future. 

Another thing is getting back to your foundation, back to 'YOUR" core beliefs.  I believe so many have moved from or don't even know anymore what their beliefs really are.  Think about it for a you know what your beliefs are?????? a key factor.  Quit searching to always be right. Believe in yourself. 



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