
Showing posts from December, 2014


We have four days left before 2015 begins!!  2015 tends to be a very prosperous year for those that are prepared to receive.  How does one know if they are ready to receive?  Well check yourself, find out if there is anyone you need to forgive (including yourself), check and see if there is anyone out there you need to genuinely apologize to and really look back at the last year......were your actions pure, kind and filled with love?   As we move into 2015, those that worked on living in alignment with their inner self, those that loved, were kind, honest and giving will reap their bounties this year in abundance.  


APOLOGIZING   I'm sorry-two of the most useless words when used alone.  I've said it before these two words have been misused so much that rather than a heartfelt meaning behind them, they are actually used as an excuse.  Most people (we tend to learn this at a very young age) realize that you can err and then as long as you follow that up with I'm sorry, everything should be forgiven and forgotten.   However, a true apology is thought out..a person first realizes that they have screwed up or hurt another.They own it,then they figure out what can be done to make it right.If you have to say I'm sorry over and over, it probably means you forgot the rest--- taking responsiblity and then taking action.  If you choose to just use I'm sorry as your trademark when you screw up, it is a given you will continue to make the same mistakes.  It is very important when giving another an apology you follow the apology all the way through.   FORGIVING Fo...


How do we change for the better in our life without carrying any form of burden, regrets, sorrow, etc.  Easy........responsibility~ownership of our thoughts, words, and actions at all times.  When you take ownership of you and who you are you are able to easily adapt and move through change with ease.  Sounds easy right?  It is, but do you truly take ownership of you-this doesn't mean that you just agree with people or say "Yeah, I was an ass" and then continue to exhibit the same actions.  It means you dig and find out why you were/are an ass (hint:  the answer is always YOURS), meaning if you find yourself blaming others, well i was an ass because you did this or said that, you didn't dig deep enough.  And ultimately you will continue to be an ass. Sometimes this is an easy process, other times not so much.   Change happens-that's a fact!! It's how you deal with change that shows your true character.  Change is one of the biggest reasons...


Resistance has been a huge stumbling block for many this past year, myself included.  It's remarkable how many people have fought for (or really against) something that they have felt they truly desired and then finally realized once they let go of the resistance, things changed. Resistance is full of excuses.  I love you, but....., I want this job, but......, I want to become healthier, but....., I want to be happy, but....... and so on and so, this is resistance.  Resistance is sometimes hard to notice, I have counseled many in just the past few months and even when I point out the resistance, they fight the resistance.  However, just the notion of pointing it out has helped many finally release the resistance.  I've seen some release the burdens they have been carrying, watched as they released holding onto what was and wishing it would be the same again.  They have been so stuck on the past that they couldn't begin to believe there was a now and a f...
Ring in the New Year- Personalized readings for your upcomi ng year. See what the New Year has in store  for you!!! Contact me at for further information


I have completed quite a few end of the year readings.  The message that seems to keep popping up is..........this is the year for reaping.  How you have lived life and your thoughts that you have given attention to will come about this next year.  I want to thank those that have asked for a reading as it is always an honor for me.  I'm excited to say that I have been asked to do monthly readings for this next year and am really excited to provide insight on a month to month basis.   Spirit has been very active lately and constantly in my ear.......a message for all is......if you don't like where you are or where your thoughts continue to take you, change them now, focus on the good and re-write the book.  If you are totally content of where you are and know that positive thoughts dance in your head.......KEEP IT UP!!!  Pay off is coming!


A friend of mine introduced me to a really cool blog on mental health.  It is a recovery and support group for mental health.  So many people suffer silently, putting on that happy face to those around all the while dying inside.  If you or a loved one is need check out this blog.


So where or where did my confidence go? Have you ever asked yourself this? At times does life seem like you are top of it, there isn't anything you can't achieve or conquer and then in the blink of an eye you're at the bottom of the roller coaster heading back up the hill, doubting every thought, decision and action you make?  Of course life seems like this over and over, because once again I will tell you life is filled with ups and downs~everyone of us learning, mastering what we learn and learning AGAIN!!  That's progression and no matter how long it takes you to learn, as long as you believe in yourself that you can - you will.    Self confidence - the ability to have confidence in your thoughts, actions and abilities.   Let's take your thoughts, how much negative chatter do you allow to fill your head.  Do you allow others to influence your thoughts with THEIR opinions and beliefs-if so STOP! You are the only person that controls the thoughts that...


We all make mistakes!! Yes even me~LOL!!!!  We all become divas at one time or another, we all act as though we are two and even throw tantrums, for we are all learning as we go and different incidents create different triggers that can be small or huge explosions!! That's life!  It's OUR individual responsibility as adults to know when to put our pride aside and take ownership of either treating people as though they are doormats or being the one that is the doormat.   Yes, we are going to piss each other off, we are going to cry, stomp our feet, run away or act a child, it's going to happen and it's OKAY!! BUT it is NEVER, EVER, NEVER, okay to CONTINUE to treat someone poorly!!  If you are constantly making someone cry, fearful that you'll cheat, fearful that you will be mean, fearful that you'll leave-CHECK YOUR DAMN SELF!!!  We are not in each other's life to cause misery or pain to another, if you find yourself doing this-you have some real inner...

WHAT IF............

Another great topic that was emailed to me..thank you my dear friend.  Keep the ideas coming!!!! What if~you didn't eat that piece of cake?   What if~you didn't date that one guy/girl? What if~you would have said sorry instead of holding onto your pride? What if~you would have listened to your heart when it said run? What if~you wouldn't have quit that job for something else? Do you ever "what if" something to death?  I'm sure you do, we all do!  A what if is like an alarm going off in your head to alert you that there is something you FEAR!!  Pick a what if of yours and ask yourself the following: 1.  What would have been different? 2.  What would I look like? 3.  What would I feel like? 4.  Who would I be? I'm sure the answers are directly related to who you wish you were or wish where you were right now!!   However, the fear kept you stuck and you find that you replaced the cake with a pizza, you dated another jerk, ...