Resistance has been a huge stumbling block for many this past year, myself included.  It's remarkable how many people have fought for (or really against) something that they have felt they truly desired and then finally realized once they let go of the resistance, things changed.

Resistance is full of excuses.  I love you, but....., I want this job, but......, I want to become healthier, but....., I want to be happy, but....... and so on and so, this is resistance.  Resistance is sometimes hard to notice, I have counseled many in just the past few months and even when I point out the resistance, they fight the resistance.  However, just the notion of pointing it out has helped many finally release the resistance.  I've seen some release the burdens they have been carrying, watched as they released holding onto what was and wishing it would be the same again.  They have been so stuck on the past that they couldn't begin to believe there was a now and a future, but once they realized the thought process of what was and embraced what can be, they have found new people in their lives, new adventures, new ways of taking care of themselves, a whole new world.  They realize that resistance has kept them stuck, while the world and everything around them changes.  

As long as you resist and make excuses rather than allowing life to happen, the more you will stay stuck watching the world grow and move on from your self-made comfort zone!!


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