I'm sorry-two of the most useless words when used alone.  I've said it before these two words have been misused so much that rather than a heartfelt meaning behind them, they are actually used as an excuse.  Most people (we tend to learn this at a very young age) realize that you can err and then as long as you follow that up with I'm sorry, everything should be forgiven and forgotten.  
However, a true apology is thought out..a person first realizes that they have screwed up or hurt another.They own it,then they figure out what can be done to make it right.If you have to say I'm sorry over and over, it probably means you forgot the rest--- taking responsiblity and then taking action.  If you choose to just use I'm sorry as your trademark when you screw up, it is a given you will continue to make the same mistakes.  It is very important when giving another an apology you follow the apology all the way through.  


Forgiving is a huge and courageous action.  When you hold onto the hurt and pain that someone has inflicted on you, you and you alone hold yourself hostage.  Once a word or an action has been said or done, you can not take it back, so be careful how you treat people and the words that come out of your mouth.  But if you have been hurt, holding onto something from the past that can't be undone, causes resistance and keeps you stagnant.  Forgiving someone is the greatest thing you can do for your spiritual and emotional growth.  Remember, forgiving someone does not give them a free ticket to do it again and again.  So, I encourage you to forgive yourself and others for the pain that you or others have caused.  It is from here that you can move forward.


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