So where or where did my confidence go? Have you ever asked yourself this? At times does life seem like you are top of it, there isn't anything you can't achieve or conquer and then in the blink of an eye you're at the bottom of the roller coaster heading back up the hill, doubting every thought, decision and action you make?  Of course life seems like this over and over, because once again I will tell you life is filled with ups and downs~everyone of us learning, mastering what we learn and learning AGAIN!!  That's progression and no matter how long it takes you to learn, as long as you believe in yourself that you can - you will.   

Self confidence - the ability to have confidence in your thoughts, actions and abilities.  

Let's take your thoughts, how much negative chatter do you allow to fill your head.  Do you allow others to influence your thoughts with THEIR opinions and beliefs-if so STOP! You are the only person that controls the thoughts that swim in your head........decide what "feels" right in your heart and allow those thoughts to swim around, get rid of the rest.  Clear your thoughts often and learn how to focus on the positive.

Actions - how many times do you want something so bad, but the fear of not being good enough, tall enough, thin enough, pretty enough, smart enough, etc. holds you back.  Do you lie, please others, cheat, allow your pride to dictate how you treat others?  Live true and kind (especially to yourself). Treat others exactly how you want to be treated regardless of how they treat you.  Be impeckable with your word.  Be trustworthy.  If someone has hurt you, forgive them, forgive yourself, and tell them.  So many of us say one thing but act entirely different, leaving others to decide with their own thoughts and experiences how you want to be treated.  Remove yourself from negative, judgmental, self-serving people.  Overall, be confident in yourself that you will try to always do your best, sometimes you will miss the mark but as long as your goal is always your best, you can never be defeated.  Realize your best is not measured against anyone else's.  Give yourself the same pep talk you would give a good friend in the same circumstances.  

Abilities-as long as you are giving it your best shot, your abilities are always right on the mark!!!  The more you try instead of giving up the better you become and the more your confidence builds.  

Quit being so hard on yourself!  Remember you set the bar, quit expecting more out of yourself than you would out of someone else.  Again---treat yourself as you would treat your loved ones!!!  


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