“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” Last night I realized another change is happening right in front of my daughter purchased her cap and gown for her graduation from the University of Utah this May. Her pursuit of a bachelor's degree is coming to an end and oh what an end, she is graduating with a 3.98!! While I am ever so proud of her, I found myself a little sad last night as I looked her dressed in graduation attire. She looked so accomplished, so strong, so, so prepared. It was different from her high school graduation. Then she was still a child looking forward to the graduation parties, the summer with her friends and having absolutely no idea of what was to come. At the age of 22, I see a woman, one who is proud of her accomplishments, one who is wiser and looking forward to an unbelievable future. She walked through her years at college with determination and drive. Now...