
Showing posts from March, 2013


“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” Last night I realized another change is happening right in front of my daughter purchased her cap and gown for her graduation from the University of Utah this May.  Her pursuit of a bachelor's degree is coming to an end and oh what an end, she is graduating with a 3.98!!  While I am ever so proud of her, I found myself a little sad last night as I looked her dressed in graduation attire.  She looked so accomplished, so strong, so, so prepared.  It was different from her high school graduation.  Then she was still a child looking forward to the graduation parties, the summer with her friends and having absolutely no idea of what was to come.  At the age of 22, I see a woman, one who is proud of her accomplishments, one who is wiser and looking forward to an unbelievable future.  She walked through her years at college with determination and drive.  Now...


Big things are coming; huge, massive for my family and they are coming at a high speed!! How bout you?  Can you feel the goodness that is coming your way?  The theme or underlying message!!! Stay focused and true for dreams are coming true in a huge way right now.  Money is flowing in abundance and goodness is raining down.  Manifestation is a magnificent tool and when used properly with focus and true intent nothing but your dreams come from it.  I have stayed very focused in my manifestation and one by one my dreams are taking life in a beautiful way. Are you staying focused and true?  Are you manifesting your true desires?  The question I'm usually asked is "why can't I manifest my desires?"   My answer is usually always the're not focused.  To manifest takes knowing you and want you truly want in life.  Knowing that you are worthy of everything life has to offer and believing you deserve it and then getting o...

Why oh why do we continue to make the same mistakes?

I'm sure you can all relate to this question.  Why do I keep touching that stove even though I know it's hot?  Well my friend the answer lies within?  I believe a HUGE reason we continue to make the same mistakes over and over is due to fear and acceptance.  But most importantly because we lose ourselves.  When we lose ourselves we tend to lose what is important, what means something to us and usually we grasp, cling and run to something that we think will make us happy.  More often than not we find our "self" our soul makes us unhappy, sick or left wondering?  This is a huge indication that we are off track and once we allow ourselves to come back we see that once again we erred once again we looked for happiness (believing it was something that was tangible realizing it is transparent, something inside, a knowing, a loving). Well then why do we err again?  If we already know from the first time?  Because you are human, because you like ...


FOR MY SWEET NIECE~I love you!!!! "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything" ~ Mark Twain “...even a tiny bit of deceit is dishonorable when it's used for selfish or cowardly reasons."~Unknown I was asked to blog on this subject.......which let me tell you is probably my biggest PET PEEVE.  Now don't get me wrong even I have lied (yes I know hard to believe) heehee.  When I look back on why I did it, usually I came up with the same answer - my self worth was in the gutter.  Actually I didn't believe in myself or my abilities so I lied to make others look at me differently to try to get them to fill my worth meter WRONG!! I'm the only one that can do that.  Of course, the lie led me to impatience, aggression, withdrawal, depression, self doubt, low self-esteem, and insecurity.  Funny thing I couldn't lie to myself and that is what kept gnawing at me. It is also what made me realize the lies caused pain for everyone!!  Ly...


Just saw this!!! Love it. How do you treat people? With love, compassion, gratitude, respect? Are you treating others how you would want to be treated?       

ARE YOU LONELY?? OR AFRAID?? emotion that we have felt.  One that can lead you to question your decisions, your life and one that can cause illness.  Sometimes loneliness can be a result of something we fear.  Something that makes you feel alone, a situation that you are unsure of how to handle and so you sit in the despair and feel as though you are all alone.  Sometimes you are all alone in your decisions because YOU are the only one that knows what will make you happy.  Take this time to sit with yourself and look at your life, past (to teach you) the present (to act) and the future (outcome) and breathe through the moment, feel your soul and what it needs.  Do not make the decisions based on emotions.Our emotional mind is quicker to make decisions, often deciding in a split second without rational thought of consequences.  Take the time when you are "alone" and figure out what it is that you want in life, (not the quick fix), but the long lasting fix tha...


Adulthood is the opportunity to heal the wounds of childhood!!!  I love this concept.  I spoke in great lengths about this today with my mother.  The "ah ha" moments were countless.  The more we discussed the issues that we have dealt with as adults, the more we found the core of them stemmed from childhood beliefs.  Being able to understand this enabled me to put a lot of unnecessary baggage away for good.  As I leave my job of 17 years, I knew it was beneficial to take full responsibility for any and all discomfort that I experienced.  For the past seventeen years I laughed, cried, felt needed, felt disrespected, found friends, pushed others away, but most importantly I learned!!!  I looked at relationships both good and bad that I had (mainly focused on the bad, as I don't want to have to re-learn the lesson again) and began to go back to my childhood.  My biggest boss!  Oh how I despised that man (funny thing he d...

ENVY VS JEALOUSY~Are they the same?????

The general difference is that if someone is envious it is not necessarily with a hostile or bad feeling, whereas jealousy implies a resentment, a feeling that it is not fair in some way.  It is important to remember that envy is a strong desire of things that you do not have, whereas jealousy is often shown when trying to hold onto something you already possess. Jealousy is usually tied to scarcity and control, while envy is tied to worthiness.  Now that we've cleared that up, let's get to my thoughts on this subject. I was asked to write about these two words from one of my dearest friends.  After re-reading her text, I realize she was asking more about jealousy, for the words she used had the word "mad" and "angry" attached.  HOWEVER, the cool thing was at the end she came full circle and questioned if what they have is even something she would want.  Looks good on the outside, but hell who knows what is on the inside.  Grass is a...

The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be


How do you see yourself today? Do you look to your past for answers?  Do you look to what you think will make you happy?  Or are you strong enough to take each minute of each day knowing that your past is nothing more than a reminder, a lesson of how to move forward, what not to do, what to do more of ?  Do you take the moment (this one right now) and appreciate where you are at, what you have learned and know that you are equipped to only get better?  Or do you fall back into the same situation?  I look at my past and realize the mistakes I made, the people I hurt, the bullshit my loved ones have had to endure because of my inability to take responsibility for my choices.  Too often, when I look back I see how many times, I continued to make excuses for myself, i.e., I did this for your own good, I knew better, people are unfair, I deserve this, etc. I am so blessed to be able to be at a point in my life where I look to the past and am able to see where...

My Inspiration!!!

As time draws closer to the new beginning in my life............I promised myself I would reflect on the last 17 years of and try to identify the stumbling blocks I placed in front of myself.  The trials that I had to endure, the pain, anger, frustration and sadness.  As I truly want to learn from my past and make today and the rest of my days the best they can be.  I realize now that the way I was treated, the lack of respect, the constant abuse of being "used" was 100% my responsibility as I allowed it and basically taught those around me how to treat me.  I never valued myself inside and so I gave and gave to those around me hoping that they would fill up that meter inside.  This came after years of believing doing my best (and even better) was good for everyone else not knowing that it had to be done for me.  While I sat and pondered all that brought me where I am today, I thought about how I wanted to shape my life from today forward.  I...

LISTENING TO YOUR HEART........Do you know how?

Do you live life by listening to your heart?  Or your ego?  Do you know the difference? Your heart will not allow you to be cruel, deceitful, unethical, shameful, etc. to others or yourself.  The heart/soul is pure and utter love, it will keep you grounded on the right path and bring happiness to your life always! The ego will not only allow you but will steer you right down the path of destruction.  It is the main stumbling block in life.  If you find yourself lying, hurting others; if you feel the pit in your gut, nervousness, uncertainty, you have allowed your ego to take over.  Take a look at the seven types of EGO characteristics. Do you notice the common thread?  Which one do you relate to the most? Self-Deprecation (belittling/diminishing/undervaluing oneself) Self-Destruction (sabotaging/punishing/harming oneself) Martyrdom (reacting as if persecuted/victimised/oppressed) Stubbornness (resisting change in one’s life) ...