My Inspiration!!!

As time draws closer to the new beginning in my life............I promised myself I would reflect on the last 17 years of and try to identify the stumbling blocks I placed in front of myself.  The trials that I had to endure, the pain, anger, frustration and sadness.  As I truly want to learn from my past and make today and the rest of my days the best they can be. 

I realize now that the way I was treated, the lack of respect, the constant abuse of being "used" was 100% my responsibility as I allowed it and basically taught those around me how to treat me.  I never valued myself inside and so I gave and gave to those around me hoping that they would fill up that meter inside.  This came after years of believing doing my best (and even better) was good for everyone else not knowing that it had to be done for me. 

While I sat and pondered all that brought me where I am today, I thought about how I wanted to shape my life from today forward.  I began to look at those around me that impress me that I admire and wished I could be more like.  If you've been reading my blogs, you probably guessed it!!! My beautiful, remarkable daughter.

I have watched her for 22 years go through life and all of its ups and down with grace and compassion.  No matter what life throws her way she has this natural ability to forgive and love.  She always strives to do and be her best.  She loves unconditionally wants nothing but the best for everyone around her.  She is quick to help, lend an ear, or give some encouraging words.  God knows she has helped me through so much!!!

So in honor of my sweet beautiful Lonee and because it will make me such a better and stronger person, I vow today to forgive myself of the mistakes that I made in the past, knowing they serve me no purpose but useless heavy baggage to carry.

Thank you my sweet girl for the inspiration, I am truly at peace with my decision and look forward to the huge opportunities that are in front of me.  Because of your example I know this time I can do it with happiness and make the rest of my life the best I've ever know.

Look out world, here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!



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