ENVY VS JEALOUSY~Are they the same?????

The general difference is that if someone is envious it is not necessarily with a hostile or bad feeling, whereas jealousy implies a resentment, a feeling that it is not fair in some way.  It is important to remember that envy is a strong desire of things that you do not have, whereas jealousy is often shown when trying to hold onto something you already possess.
Jealousy is usually tied to scarcity and control, while envy is tied to worthiness. 

Now that we've cleared that up, let's get to my thoughts on this subject. I was asked to write about these two words from one of my dearest friends.  After re-reading her text, I realize she was asking more about jealousy, for the words she used had the word "mad" and "angry" attached.  HOWEVER, the cool thing was at the end she came full circle and questioned if what they have is even something she would want.  Looks good on the outside, but hell who knows what is on the inside.  Grass is always greener..........

I see this so much and hear it from so many.......why is that we have such a hard time, appreciating and being thankful for what we have!!!  Take what you have currently and make it the best for you........don't allow yourself to be sucked into someone else's idea of happiness.........I promise you their happiness and yours are different.  For happiness isn't found in material things, it comes from within.  When you search for your happiness, self worth and acceptance by gauging your life by other's standards, happiness, self worth and acceptance will always elude you!  These two negative forms of thinking will not bring you happiness but will move you further away from what you truly want.  When you feel these emotions swirling around in your gut, heart or head take a look inside and find what deep rooted belief you have that allows the negative emotions to erupt into jealousy/envy and then change the belief. 

You are worthy of everything and the universe has enough for everyone that truly knows how to ask and receive with pure love and compassion.

Seek out your individual power, your own dreams, wants and desires and stick to them, be happy for others, their accomplishments, achievements, etc.  BUT always remain true to you!!


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