ARE YOU LONELY?? OR AFRAID?? emotion that we have felt.  One that can lead you to question your decisions, your life and one that can cause illness.  Sometimes loneliness can be a result of something we fear.  Something that makes you feel alone, a situation that you are unsure of how to handle and so you sit in the despair and feel as though you are all alone.  Sometimes you are all alone in your decisions because YOU are the only one that knows what will make you happy.  Take this time to sit with yourself and look at your life, past (to teach you) the present (to act) and the future (outcome) and breathe through the moment, feel your soul and what it needs.  Do not make the decisions based on emotions.Our emotional mind is quicker to make decisions, often deciding in a split second without rational thought of consequences. 

Take the time when you are "alone" and figure out what it is that you want in life, (not the quick fix), but the long lasting fix that comes with knowing what you truly want.  Sometimes we want that quick fix of having "another" person, car, house, job  in our life because it gives us that jolt of happiness, excitement, realize though that a quick fix is just that ------ a band aid.  While it might provide you comfort for the moment it is not long lasting.

You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with.
- Wayne Dyer

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


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