
Showing posts from February, 2015


Do you want love, money, success, etc…….do you work hard to achieve and yet seem to come up short?  The answer to achieving everything you want in life is alignment.  Alignment with mind, body and spirit. So what is alignment and how does one achieve it?  Alignment has nothing to do with the money, the car, the husband/wife, the family, the best career, etc., those are things that come to us from alignment.  You must set your intentions, align yourself and the rest will come.  Alignment with spirit is the feeling you get when you are truly happy.  The belief, trust and knowledge that things are good, things are right and you move through life knowing that you are taken care of right at this moment even if you are lacking in the material world.   How do you  know if you are out of alignment?  Your emotions, your feelings, if they are of a negative sort, loneliness, fear, anger, resentment, jealousy, etc., you are out of alignment....


Do you feel hopeless at times, alone, afraid, ready to give up?  Do you feel as though your life keeps you feel stuck?  IF so, ask yourself this question, what do I really want in life, what would truly make me happy.  I'll be there are quite a few of you that will come up with ideas that aren't truly your own!  For others you won't know the answer.  For some you will have so many answers that you will feel overwhelmed.   The first step to finding out what you thankful for everything, the good and the bad.   However, do not stay stuck on the bad, while it is important to realize what you don't want in life, it is even more important to focus on what you do want in life. Be honest with yourself, do you chase someone else's dream of happiness, do you envy others and feel as though if you had what they had your life would be so much better?  WRONG!! you are not them-their dreams and desires are not yours. ...

Meaningful Relationships!

Relationships take effort, people are worth fighting for and communication can solve almost anything.  Usually what you put forth in a relationship is what you will get back.  You should never be the only one fighting or trying in a relationship/friendship, in order for it to be lasting and meaningful there needs to be commitment and effort on both sides.   I have many relationships with people that are daily and interactive on both parts, as well as I have relationships with many that are distant.  Some of my dearest friends and I will go weeks without talking, yet pick up right where we left off when we do connect.........I love these people!!!   The thing I have found after so many years....... I have no time for those that want to stay in my life with "weather" conversations.  You know the type I'm talking about, you either get an email, a text or a call that basically says the same thing over and over, the type that could be sent to anyone in the ...


If so, check yourself, check what you choose to make a part of your life and who you choose to be in your life.  Take responsibility for your words and actions, look at why certain things trigger you, why do you feel the need to stay in something unhealthy.  Own it and then make the decision on whether you keep it in your life or release it, walk away from it, or run fast. Drama will create jealousy, anger, hatred, resentment, sadness, loneliness, etc., if you don't like the drama, chose differently. PEOPLE CAN'T HEAR WHAT THEY'RE NOT READY TO HEAR........No matter how much you try to get your point across, if another is not ready to hear it, due to lower vibration, they will NOT hear you.  However, this doesn't mean you shouldn't speak, but if you know you won't be heard and you don't want to create more drama, write down what you feel and release it from your body and your thoughts and walk away.  Do not stay and waste your time trying to get someone to...


How many times has a problem, an argument come up and the way you deal with it is to stick your head in the sand and hope that it will eventually pass and you won't have to deal with it? I see and hear this coping mechanism done often. Have you ever noticed that when you pop your head back out........the problem is still there?  It's the same thing as retreating or running away to try to handle a situation. I grew up watching my parents use the run and chase method as the way they dealt with issues. My father retreated and my mother chased, she wanted the issue dealt with and over.  So I pretty much found myself in relationships doing the same thing, for those that know me, yes I was the chaser the one wanting an issue dealt with and discussed.  The thing I found out is both are unhealthy.  Don't get me wrong getting an issue dealt with is always the key, however, when I had to chase someone, the more intense the issue became for me.  The more someone wou...


Do you attach your self worth to something???? Or someone??? Do you attach your self worth to money, material possessions, your boy/girlfriend, your friends, your kids, etc.  Ask yourself what is it that you are lacking in or that you want more and more of.  Who do you surround yourself with, what type of characteristics do they have.......when you ask yourself this question, don't dig for the "right" answer.....everyone is made of purity and goodness, but look at those you spend the most time with and recognize their overall personality.  Are they good and giving the majority of the time?  OR do they take from you, but always have an excuse or a compliment to keep you in the mix of taking the abuse?  Do they drain you?  Are they honest with others (HUGE red flag, if they are not honest with others, they're not honest with you).  Look at how they treat others, for you surely will be treated the same at some point in time.  The people we surrou...


Right now, life is out of whack, the scales are tipped and they are not necessarily tipped in your favor.  The more you realize this, the more it tips and the more you feel unbalanced.......does this ring true with you right now?  The reason for the imbalance that is currently making its way through the Universe is due to thoughts.  We have moved from heart to ego and that is where the thoughts are coming from, this leaves us vulnerable to the victim role.  Many of us may find ourselves pulling the covers up, turning away from friends, spending more time isolated and feeling as though we are alone and misunderstood.  The reason you are are not speaking our truth.  WE are not looking at ourselves to make us stronger, healthier, and happier, we are looking outside and hoping everyone else around us will do that for us.  Today is the day to begin to live in appreciation, be grateful for what you have.  Reach out to someone you...