Do you want love, money, success, etc…….do you work hard to achieve and yet seem to come up short? The answer to achieving everything you want in life is alignment. Alignment with mind, body and spirit. So what is alignment and how does one achieve it? Alignment has nothing to do with the money, the car, the husband/wife, the family, the best career, etc., those are things that come to us from alignment. You must set your intentions, align yourself and the rest will come. Alignment with spirit is the feeling you get when you are truly happy. The belief, trust and knowledge that things are good, things are right and you move through life knowing that you are taken care of right at this moment even if you are lacking in the material world. How do you know if you are out of alignment? Your emotions, your feelings, if they are of a negative sort, loneliness, fear, anger, resentment, jealousy, etc., you are out of alignment....