If so, check yourself, check what you choose to make a part of your life and who you choose to be in your life.  Take responsibility for your words and actions, look at why certain things trigger you, why do you feel the need to stay in something unhealthy.  Own it and then make the decision on whether you keep it in your life or release it, walk away from it, or run fast. Drama will create jealousy, anger, hatred, resentment, sadness, loneliness, etc., if you don't like the drama, chose differently.

PEOPLE CAN'T HEAR WHAT THEY'RE NOT READY TO HEAR........No matter how much you try to get your point across, if another is not ready to hear it, due to lower vibration, they will NOT hear you.  However, this doesn't mean you shouldn't speak, but if you know you won't be heard and you don't want to create more drama, write down what you feel and release it from your body and your thoughts and walk away.  Do not stay and waste your time trying to get someone to see your point.  

Protect yourself spiritually, a lot of drama comes from trying to prove your value or worth, know your value and worth and allow the opinions of others to fall away.  Drama is usually accompanied with chaos, whether you are the drama creator or the one that always participates, try moving away from it and see how peaceful and clear your life can become.


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