Do you feel hopeless at times, alone, afraid, ready to give up?  Do you feel as though your life keeps repeating.......do you feel stuck?  IF so, ask yourself this question, what do I really want in life, what would truly make me happy.  I'll be there are quite a few of you that will come up with ideas that aren't truly your own!  For others you won't know the answer.  For some you will have so many answers that you will feel overwhelmed.  

The first step to finding out what you want..........be thankful for everything, the good and the bad.  

However, do not stay stuck on the bad, while it is important to realize what you don't want in life, it is even more important to focus on what you do want in life. Be honest with yourself, do you chase someone else's dream of happiness, do you envy others and feel as though if you had what they had your life would be so much better?  WRONG!! you are not them-their dreams and desires are not yours.  This is usually a true indicator that you really don't know yourself and how sad that we will give our power to others hoping they know what will make us happy.  

Focus on the good things in your life, the feelings that you have had of joy, love, peace, security, (these are usually really what we want in life) and move towards more of that.  Do you find yourself repeating patterns, ask yourself why, what does it give you?   The more you focus on what others have, the more you chase happiness.

Be honest with yourself!!! Cast the opinions of others aside, go for what you want, be unique, be yourself.  Most of the time we stay stuck because we are comparing.  Which means we are allowing our self-worth and happiness to be dependent on others.  

See the greatness within yourself, move towards those that appreciate, compliment, and encourage your OWN growth.  Be with those that are happy with your accomplishments, surround yourself with those that truly love you for who you are not, not what you have to offer and use their encouragement as part of your foundation.  

If you feel stuck, check who you to chose to surround yourself with!!  To those of you that know what you want.......I applaud you, even if you stand alone, stand proud and continue to maintain your vision for all of it will come to you in divine time!!!!


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