Right now, life is out of whack, the scales are tipped and they are not necessarily tipped in your favor.  The more you realize this, the more it tips and the more you feel unbalanced.......does this ring true with you right now? 

The reason for the imbalance that is currently making its way through the Universe is due to thoughts.  We have moved from heart to ego and that is where the thoughts are coming from, this leaves us vulnerable to the victim role.  Many of us may find ourselves pulling the covers up, turning away from friends, spending more time isolated and feeling as though we are alone and misunderstood.  The reason you are are not speaking our truth.  WE are not looking at ourselves to make us stronger, healthier, and happier, we are looking outside and hoping everyone else around us will do that for us.  Today is the day to begin to live in appreciation, be grateful for what you have.  Reach out to someone you have pushed away or hold on tight to someone that is there for you.  Appreciate what you have, look at things in a positive light and begin by thanking others for being there for you (thanks MOM :), give your heart, for if you guard it too much, it will become dormant.  

The first step to seeking balance in your life is to be grateful for what you have, nothing more.  When you move into gratitude more comes your way. 

 Love yourself, love others, but more importantly show it to both!!!


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