Do you attach your self worth to something???? Or someone??? Do you attach your self worth to money, material possessions, your boy/girlfriend, your friends, your kids, etc.  Ask yourself what is it that you are lacking in or that you want more and more of.  Who do you surround yourself with, what type of characteristics do they have.......when you ask yourself this question, don't dig for the "right" answer.....everyone is made of purity and goodness, but look at those you spend the most time with and recognize their overall personality.  Are they good and giving the majority of the time?  OR do they take from you, but always have an excuse or a compliment to keep you in the mix of taking the abuse?  Do they drain you?  Are they honest with others (HUGE red flag, if they are not honest with others, they're not honest with you).  Look at how they treat others, for you surely will be treated the same at some point in time.  The people we surround ourselves with and give our time and emotions to, the ones that can either really piss us off or really make us happy hold a key to how we feel about ourselves.  Because it is true that you will surround yourself with like minds.  If you are an asshole, pretty good bet you hang with assholes, if you are a caring and loving person you will find more of the same in your circle.

We tend to gravitate to those that fill us up with what we lack inside.  They are great indicators to our self-worth.  Let's take money for example, the more money you have, the more powerful and attractive you feel, you buy the biggest house, the coolest car, the best clothes, etc. and you see that others envy you and others are happy for you------you feel as though having more money will make you even more irresistible, so you place your self-worth on money.  Now look around you, at the people you CHOSE to be with, are they the ones that tell you what you want to hear, the ones that like to spend your money or tell you how to spend it, or tell you, you deserve to have more and more even if it means eventually you have nothing left for your bills?  Or are they the ones that are happy for you, but could care less whether you have a million dollars or one dollar, they just like you for you.  If you find that you gravitate towards the first type of person, pretty good bet you place your self worth on the dollar sign.  

I placed my self worth on my career.  Funny thing, I wasn't happy.  The more I look at myself and ask what I want in life, the more I move from ego, i.e. money, cars, compliments, stuff to spirit and I know I want peace and happiness, therefore the foundation for my self worth begins to fill in and the my self worth is built on turning my weakness into strengths. I look at my career and my material things in life as what I do and have not who I am.  I'm not saying you have to throw away the material wants in life, but you definitely need to look at the attachment you have for them.  There is a difference between passion and obsession.  Passion you can and will share, obsession is self serving.  A passion will never replace someone you love, an obsession will push them right out of your life.

Figure out what you want in life and surround yourself with like people.  The wants will come and go (change) and you will find yourself excited for the next want.  


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