Do you have that innate ability to shrug things off? To allow issues and problems to roll off of your back? To throw your hands up and avert your attention elsewhere? Well if you do, let me say I am in total awe. I find myself once again (isn't life grand how it continues to teach) in the midst of someone else's demise. Yes, I know it is my choice and I continue to work every day on not allowing other's "stuff" to affect my life. When it comes to some, I fail miserably......................but I keep trying. Writing and getting it out helps a whole bunch. I think having an attachment and emotions to something that you can't control is one of the hardest things to do. (Don't get me wrong, when I'm on the outside it seems like the easiest thing and any of you that have talked with me know that to be my philosophy). But damn, when you are in the middle of it and can see it, feel and sense it, shaking it off is one of the hardest th...