New word for the day!!!

SELF BELIEF!  Also known as self-confidence- (today's topic-thank you for the suggestion).  Confidence is actually believing, yet the word itself sounds at times like an unachievable goal. 

Do you find that your cup o' confidence or bucket o' confidence is not evenly divided at times?  You may be extremely confident in yourself when it comes to your job, but lack that confidence in other areas of your life.  Have you ever thought, "if I was as good at this as I am at that, I would be so much happier?"  Have you found yourself overcompensating in certain areas of your life, thinking it will make you happier?  Years ago, I emerged myself in my job, because I felt I was good at what I did, I was needed, it made me "feel" good.  Yet, I wasn't really happy.  I wanted that same "feeling" in every aspect of my life, but didn't know how to get there.  For years, I was consumed with getting better at my job, taking it one step further all the time, I would get promoted, which intensified my belief that I was "good".  When I was away from work, I realized that belief didn't come with me.  So I worked even harder!!  I wondered why?  I finally realized it was because I believed in myself when it came to work, but lacked that same belief in other areas.  When I made that conscious decision to focus my beliefs on other things, that positive (not cocky) belief, my life started to change.  I found I had dreams, desires, and passions that I had buried deep inside.  I looked at each one and realized that I could be just at successful in MY LIFE as I was at my career.  Slowly, I took each area of my life and chose to focus on the positive, believe things were working out for my betterment, even when it seemed like the opposite.  I now have confidence in so many areas of my life and continue to strengthen them and believe in them and I sit amazed at the happiness that continues to pour into my life.

Confidence can be an intimidating word.......Belief on the other hand seems so much easier to obtain.  So from here on out I will refer to it as Self Belief!


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