
Showing posts from June, 2012


As each day passes, do you ever sit and reflect on what happened the last minute?  do you take inventory in your life?  Do you appreciate what surrounds you and get on your knees and give thanks.  Or are you self absorbed?  Do you only see life through your wants, needs and clouded view?  Do you feel sorry for yourself that you don't have this or you could have more?  There is nothing wrong with dreaming or always striving to better yourself.............the key however, is being  appreciative of what is in your life what is around you and being so grateful that the only thing in your heart is that you share.  For the things that should be yours will find you, but when you fail to appreciate what you already have, you lose.  You can "chase" happiness, which will lead to hollow, unfilled satisfaction.  For when we forget to cherish what is ours, we begin to take it for granted and become selfish.  Selfishness can be one...


THIS IS FOR YOU!!!!! You know the feeling...............been there done that.  Have you ever stopped to wonder why?  Is it mystical?  Something far bigger than you?  Or is it an opportunity for us to wrong a right?  Learn a lesson.  Change the behavior?  Finally get it right and let it go?  So many times, more often than we realize, we are given the opportunity to almost relive something in our past.  The ability to do it different.  To fix it so that we won't have to live it again and even if it does come up again, there won't be any question on how to walk through it.  This can be as simple as changing our mind on the situation, believing and having the faith that if viewed differently, results will differ.  Realizing we have the power to make ourselves better, just by "knowing" we can.   Too many times we fear the situation and think oh god it's happening all over again or thinking I'm here again, it must be t...


I am truly grateful for the wonderful people that I surround myself with.  For these are the people I admire, look up too, and am truly inspired by.  These are the people that truly love from their heart.  They teach me everyday how to love unconditionally, for that is what I yearn for, how to walk through life with integrity and holding my head high.  I sat today with a true inspiration, as I listened to the incredible journey, I felt my chest inflate with not only happiness for the other, but true happiness that I was actually learning from their story.  Learning how to appreciate the important things in life, the feeling you get from the love of those in your life, casting the fluff aside knowing that true love can't be bought, nor worn, or touched.  It is inside, I stopped and realized I am truly loved by my family and my friends.  No matter if I disagree with them or they don't think I'm right all the time (I know can you believe anyone wo...

The Face of Fear

Do you feel the weight on your shoulders? The pit in your gut? Does it feel like the unknown is always lurking around every corner? Would you love to release the fear within? Or to find out why you fear what you do and how to step away from it? I find that fear is a huge factor in most people’s daily lives and we seem to always be looking for a way to escape it, most just run in the opposite direction, failing to realize fear is within, which follows your every step. Regardless of where you run. Join me to explore what holds you back and what keeps you repeating the same mistake and ultimately getting the same results. I will share ways to release your fears and cleanse your soul. Hope to see you there! I am thinking of holding a class for the above topic and am trying to see how many people may be interested. It would be a two hour class with a $20.00 fee. Please let me know if you or your friends would be inclined to attend something like this.  (either comment here or contact ...


DO NOT BECOME A DOORMAT!  Love doesn't hurt, it may be uncomfortable at times, but I like to call those growing pains, but it "love" doesn't give someone the right to disrespect you, hit you, or degrade you.  For a person who has those characteristics are some of the most selfish people there are.  You don't only love in the good times, you love even harder in the bad times.  You push through the tough shit, knowing there is good and you both deserve it.  When things become stale, you are both responsible to find creative ways to bring back the fun!  It shouldn't always be one persons responsibility to keep the relationship fun and exciting.  When one becomes mean or hateful, they should look deep inside, because nine out of ten times, the self issue they are dealing with, is a price someone else is paying and when you become so self-centered, the hard part is karma will find you.  Again, remember karma is positive even when it is a swift k...