I am truly grateful for the wonderful people that I surround myself with.  For these are the people I admire, look up too, and am truly inspired by.  These are the people that truly love from their heart.  They teach me everyday how to love unconditionally, for that is what I yearn for, how to walk through life with integrity and holding my head high. 

I sat today with a true inspiration, as I listened to the incredible journey, I felt my chest inflate with not only happiness for the other, but true happiness that I was actually learning from their story.  Learning how to appreciate the important things in life, the feeling you get from the love of those in your life, casting the fluff aside knowing that true love can't be bought, nor worn, or touched.  It is inside, I stopped and realized I am truly loved by my family and my friends.  No matter if I disagree with them or they don't think I'm right all the time (I know can you believe anyone would ever doubt me ....... heehee) that they have my best interest at heart all the time.  They love and accept me for who I am that they are just as happy and grateful that I am in their life as I am they are in mine.  I was truly inspired today to start each day with an affirmation filled with positive light and to spread that to everyone I meet.  Something to work on everyday so that happiness surrounds me. 

I yearn to look at each disagreement, every little thing that gets on my nerves as something positive, for if I don't I will always walk through life with my eyes half closed missing out on the full beauty of life.  I choose to walk through life with my eyes wide open, sharing and providing love to all. 

Thank you for being such an inspirational part of my life.  I love you!!!


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