
DO NOT BECOME A DOORMAT!  Love doesn't hurt, it may be uncomfortable at times, but I like to call those growing pains, but it "love" doesn't give someone the right to disrespect you, hit you, or degrade you.  For a person who has those characteristics are some of the most selfish people there are.  You don't only love in the good times, you love even harder in the bad times.  You push through the tough shit, knowing there is good and you both deserve it.  When things become stale, you are both responsible to find creative ways to bring back the fun!  It shouldn't always be one persons responsibility to keep the relationship fun and exciting.  When one becomes mean or hateful, they should look deep inside, because nine out of ten times, the self issue they are dealing with, is a price someone else is paying and when you become so self-centered, the hard part is karma will find you.  Again, remember karma is positive even when it is a swift kick in the ass. 

So remember to love from your heart it will come back! 


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