As each day passes, do you ever sit and reflect on what happened the last minute?  do you take inventory in your life?  Do you appreciate what surrounds you and get on your knees and give thanks.  Or are you self absorbed?  Do you only see life through your wants, needs and clouded view?  Do you feel sorry for yourself that you don't have this or you could have more?  There is nothing wrong with dreaming or always striving to better yourself.............the key however, is being  appreciative of what is in your life what is around you and being so grateful that the only thing in your heart is love....love that you share.  For the things that should be yours will find you, but when you fail to appreciate what you already have, you lose.  You can "chase" happiness, which will lead to hollow, unfilled satisfaction.  For when we forget to cherish what is ours, we begin to take it for granted and become selfish.  Selfishness can be one of the hardest, empty and lonely feelings.  There are things in every one's lives right now that can be appreciated.  Allow those feelings to fill your heart and watch as your life blooms with happiness.  Continue to run after an elusive dream and watch life continue to be repetitive. 

Now is the time to take inventory of all the greatness in your life right down to the breath that you take,  allow the goodness to exude from your being. 


  1. Everybody needs to reads this!!!! So true, thanks for all you teach me.

  2. Taking inventory should also include, say if you've wronged someone in someway, you need to make ammends for that. I try to take inventory everyday and "keep my side of the street clean". I'm not saying that's always easy, but it makes me feel like a better person when I take those steps.


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