Manifest It All!!!

Manifesting is different than wishing........Wishing is simple and overused, we wish our hair was longer, we were taller, we were sleeping while sitting in boring meeting.  Manifestation is our way to really get what we want and need for our higher good.  For our mission our purpose to help us and allow us to experience things we focus on to bring into our existence for growth and joy if done correctly.  Manifestation can and is a great learning tool and if we look at all we have manifested with intent of joy we can learn to manifest nothing but happiness.

Manifestation can also represent the old cliche, be careful what you wish for you just might get it, especially when we yearn for something we had, but let go and then manifest it back into our lives.  Everything we currently have in our existence, we manifested.  The pillows on our couch, the trinkets on our mantels, etc.  Have you ever took the time to look around and really see the things that you manifested at one time yet haven't given any attention in a long time?  Have you ever asked yourself why did I want it?  Why don't I want it now?  I have manifested big and little things in my life, some I have been happy to have and others not so much.  So I know we have the ability to create our lives to fit our needs as well as allow our soul to grow.  Most of what I manifested I wasn't quite sure I actually manifested until after it appeared in my life.  I have a several things in the works right now (actually I have been trying for a long time for some, but yet they never quite took form) I wasn't sure what the hangup was.....but after some inner research and reflection, I have found what worked for me in the past.  While I can't attest this will work for everyone, I know it works for me.  

First I took time to look at the things that I have already manifested and took my mind back to the time and the feelings I had at the time of "wanting" and realized each and every time I knew what I wanted but there was a lot of "gunk" that was surrounding the vision.  You know the how, when, what if's-I was trying to control how to get it rather than just allowing.  I then decided it was something I wanted enough that I didn't care how it came about, I became excited because I knew it was going to happen.  Then I looked at each day as it was the day before Christmas, you know that feeling that you had when you were young and couldn't wait to unwrap that toy, the one you would have so much fun with, the doll you would love, the bike you would dream at night about riding the next day.  The joy that filled you up?  That is where I took my mind each time I thought about what I was manifesting.  I didn't think of what color the wrapping was, who was going to give it me, how it was going to get there, I just allowed the joy and excitement to surround the thought.  The thought almost became a gift as I would visit it whenever I was having a bad day for even just a minute and each time it brought the joy to my mind and always improved my day.  Then I got out of the way and allowed it to unfold.  The funny part is the time up to the actual manifestation was just as wonderful as the manifestation itself, because once I moved out of the control, the way things came about was so awesome to experience.  

Once the thought became a reality, the real work started.  You see that I found that if you really want to manifest something, the way you handle it once it is yours can either make manifesting easier or harder.  Now is the time for reflection, for gratitude and constant re-evaluation, for soul growth and to take something you were excited for and allow it to evolve and continue to bring you a lifetime of lessons and joy.  You know how you think back on the bike you wanted and the fun it brought and how you wish you had that happiness again?  Well you can and you can keep it.  But you have to appreciate it and see what it brings you, the feelings, the people, the dreams, and use the gratitude to build on your inner happiness, to use that inner gratitude to influence others, to encourage and show others their potential by appreciating your own power and using it to manifest anything your heart tells you it needs. 

When we use our power to create happiness, it is our responsibility to see it for the joy it brings and make it grow, for once it begins to grow, it multiplies.


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