It is amazing how many of us believe in others and their abilities, yet rarely realize or acknowledge our own.  We can easily and effortlessly cheer on our children, our friends, co-workers and family, yet shy away from speaking kindly to ourselves.  It is time that we start the inner dialogue with ourselves and get to know who we really are.  Check in with yourself, find out what you need, what you believe in, what you wish someone would say to you and fill that void with your own voice.  It is time for you to become your biggest cheerleader.

I'm part of an awesome class right now with remarkable people, each one different and unique in their own way.  Every one with a story and insight to share on their terms and at their own pace.  All of them have something to learn and even more to teach.  I started out as the teacher and yet over time, the things they have taught me and their ability to make me open my eyes even wider is one of my greatest rewards.  It is a safe place where walls break down, sharing is key and loving dialogue is exchanged.  I am humbled and honored to be a part of such a wonderful group of misfits (because really aren't we all just "screwed" up beings at times) looking for a place to belong.  Once you trust and get real, you find out your neighbor has the same fears, quirks, and messy life that you try to hide from the outside and then you feel as though all is right in the world and no matter how bleak life seems, people really do relate to each other.  The key to this is being brave enough to open your mouth, let out the fear, and speak your truth, others will respond with the soft place for you to fall all along waiting to help rebuild you or at least provide you with the tools to get back up on your own two feet. 

To Julie, Barb, Laura, Jerry, Bonnie, Nachely, William and Rafael, I am truly grateful for each and every one of you and love you dearly.  Please know my friends..................YOU ARE ENOUGH!!!


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