
Have you ever had the "why" conversation with yourself?   You know the one where you acknowledge something that pisses you off and instead of sitting in the pissed off mode all day, you decide to "why" yourself out of it?  Let's say you're sitting in traffic and realize you are going to be late for work.  Your breathing starts to get a little more intensified.  You may find your fingers tapping on the steering wheel.  You begin to squint as the foul language is rolling around in your head, while all along watching the minutes tick by.  It's at this point, I like to why myself.  

I ask myself why are you mad? Well because the idiot five cars ahead of me is stopped at least two cars behind the car in front of him and if he'd just move up, I could probably shave 30 seconds off how late I'm already going to be. 
Then I ask .....
Well why didn't you leave earlier just in case there was an accident?  Well because I was really tired and didn't want to get out of bed earlier.
Well why are you mad, whose fault is that? (eye roll) mine.
Well then since you chose to sleep in and there isn't anything you can do about it now, turn up the radio and think about the last thing that made you happy :).  
Of course that means I'm thinking of being in my cozy bed with the covers up around my neck with my eyes closed.  My body starts to relax, my breathing slows down and nothing seems to matter........ah this is nice.  And wouldn't you know it, just like my annoying snooze button, the traffic starts moving and in no time I'm pulling into the parking lot and starting my day.

I check myself often and use the why method a lot.  Sometimes it takes me longer to get to the truth of why, but when I do get there it allows me to take responsibility for my actions and change the way I look at things.  So the next time something is bothering you............."why" your way out of it. 


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