Walking through fear!
What does walking through fear mean to you? Do you do it or do you run? Running seems like the quickest and at times the safest way to handle it. Pulling your covers up over your head hoping everything that scares you will go away. Sad thing is it doesn't, usually it just festers, it keeps tugging at the covers and always patiently awaits for that moment you peek out from your false sense of protection and lets you know it isn't going anywhere until you face it and overcome it. A very good friend compared fear to an ice cold waterfall. You can feel the mist of the waterfall, you can hear the water hit the rocks at the bottom, you can taste the crispness of the cold, you can smell the power of the water moving quickly and with purpose, you can see through the fall the beauty that is just on the other side of the water, however the fear of moving through the cold is enough to keep you from walking through the few seconds of being uncomfortable into a whole n...