The good and bad in life can either create personal growth or fear inside of us. Whichever is stronger is what dominates how we handle change.  Fear will make you try to control everything around you in hopes you won't stimulate your fears.  As long as you use fear as your reason to try to control situations and others you will inevitably view life as threatening, therefore you will continue to allow the negative thoughts to cloud, even drive your life and you will continue to experience negative situations.  What we think becomes reality, what we think we receive.  

Life will continue to change, it is up to us to either learn and release or hold on and try to control.  Change is an opportunity for personal growth, nothing more. When we try to make things the way we want for security the more we will create.  Once you allow the ego to get involved in the fear, events will unfold quickly in front of you and you will have more to deal with and more that will poke at the insecurities inside.  The more you try to keep certain people away from you the more you will see those traits in others.  The more you resist against the change of others around you, the longer it will take to find your inner peace.  

So how do you grow instead of using so much energy to try to avoid? We recognize when our stuff (our fears) have been poked.  When we look at people differently, when things that were beautiful one day have no luster to them right now.  When life seems like it is against us, when we begin to feel insecurity, jealousy, anger..........our stuff has been hit.  This is the time we should recognize it and instead of outwardly trying to analyze and fix it, we need to allow it to go, it is like a splinter, sooner or later your body will expel the splinter on its own if you leave it alone.  Your fears will expel if you don't give them life or attention.  The next time your stuff takes a hit, sit back realize it and allow it to go.  DON'T dwell on it, don't try to justify it, don't try to make sense of it, for the hit was exactly what you needed in order to grow and in order to grown you must release the toxins that are in your thoughts.  The more you allow the negative to swirl inside the darker you will manifest, until you feel as you are lost and don't know where to go.  

Take the blows step away from them and watch them in awe as they fall to the ground, recognizing that one more toxin from the past has been released. Do not resist and do not sit in it for any length of time, let it go. For your heart can't take a hit if fear doesn't reside there.  


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