
Showing posts from July, 2015


Do you yearn for a healthy relationship?  For a lasting relationship?  Do you wonder why you don't have one?  What is wrong with you?  The answer, pretty simple..................YOU'RE A LIAR!  Whether you lie to yourself or to others, until you begin to tell your truth to yourself and others, you will continue to search and search, either settling (which will eventually lead to a break-up) or going through one person after another.   Relationships differ from couple to couple.  Some can deal and compromise with situations that others would set as their deal breaker.  But the one thing that will definitely kill a relationship every time is lying.  But like I said there are two liars..............the self liar, which holds back on their truth trying to please the other.  Like the girl that meets a guy, the guy indicates early on that he is looking for a casual friend, a hook-up.  The girl goes along with this even though in her mi...


"the ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way  the capacity of something to last or to withstand wear and tear" Endurance requires strength, both physical and emotional.  Physical endurance comes from taking care of ourselves by being active, eating healthy and resting our bodies.  Emotional endurance comes from love and faith, which at times seems harder to accomplish than the physical.  The emotional/spiritual side of endurance comes with faith and being able to trust enough in yourself that you see something to the end.  Whether that is an injury, relationship, break-up, job, second chance, moving forward.  They all require endurance and perseverance.  But in the end it is all worth it.  As long as you are open and ready to receive, you will encounter setbacks (you're human and it's just part of the package).  HOWEVER, if you believe and keep going you will spring forward from any setbacks ...