We all create our own reality!!  Even though at times, it seems as those you are living life for someone else or for someone else, you have created EVERYTHING you live and experience.  Often we allow society, religion, friends and family's viewpoints to become ours, believing they know what is better for us.  And so many times, we find they were wrong, maybe not for them and their journey, but not for you.  Yet, we do it over and over.  REMEMBER, no one else creates your reality, but they can shape and change your perception and then you live how somebody else views reality from their experiences, NEVER WORKS.

As long as you continue to make poor choices, it doesn't matter who is in your life (you can change the participants), you will always get the same results.  So how do you change your mind and make different choices that are the best for you?????  First, stop trying to please will always please others at your expense AND you will never please them 100% all the time, so you will be the one left with the feeling of disappointment.  Second, check your emotions, they are the best indicators as to where you are at and what you are receiving.  If there are things in your experience that you no longer wish to experience your belief must change!!  If you continue to think and believe as you have been, then nothing in your experience will ever change.  If you want things to change to different things, then you must think and believe differently. This takes focus.  But it is so worth it.  When you focus on lack that is what your life will consist of.......lack.  When you stand true to you and believe in what feels good regardless of what others say, your life will consist of happiness. When you feel empty, lost or is usually because you are living someone else's reality and not being true to you.  When you feel as though something is is, you creating your reality.

How many times have you told yourself that you are going to eat better, exercise more and yet the first time you miss a workout session, the negative thoughts start to flood your mind.  You have basically stepped backwards undoing the work you did the past few days, because instead of living in what feels good, you allowed what other's say and do to become your reality and missing a day of working out makes you pretty much a failure.  

I would challenge you today to look around you.......who do you try to please?  I think you would be surprised in just one day, how many things you do or think because you are trying to make someone else happy.  Start today to take care of you, be honest with yourself and others and start changing your mind and beliefs knowing that if it feels good to YOU, it is good for you.  


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