Have you ever stopped and looked at your life and wondered why people leave and why new ones come in or why do people from your past re-enter?????  The answer is within.......what is your vibrational energy?  Where do your thoughts generally take you....sadness, despair, fear, anger, hopelessness, etc. or do you see a future, are you happy, positive, loving, kind, forgiving?  

See if you strip everything away, we are all energy, our thoughts, music that we listen to, even the food that we eat alter our vibrational energy.  When we live in a state of loving and giving, we attract the same.  It is the same when we live in fear and anger.  This is why people come and go in our lives, if you are in a relationship with someone who is not on the same vibrational frequency as you are you will surely move away from each other........one may be at a higher frequency and therefore the two see things quite differently.  Usually in relationships, whether romantic, friendship, or family, there will be one trying to pull the other up to where the air is lighter, clearer and a bright future is actually in focus.  Nonetheless, if the other is not ready to make the change in their thoughts no matter how hard you pull you will eventually drift apart.  No matter what your vibrational frequency is set at you will attract the same.  

Take a look around you, who is in your circle, who do you interact with???? Are they loving, giving, honest, compassionate, etc.  Do you feel safe, secure and happy when you are with them---------keep them in your circle!!  If you feel drained, anxious, uncomfortable, sad, etc. start to change your thoughts, allow yourself to live in the positive and watch as these people eventually leave your life and others enter!!  It is a given!!


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