Are you a man/woman of your word? Is your word impeccable?  Can you be trusted to follow through with what you say?  Are you reliable?  Can others believe in you?

Are you a person filled with excuses?  One that breaks promises easily over and over again?  Are you a person that has the ability to be sincere when agreeing to something, allowing another to put down their guard enough to let you in and then you disappoint?  

Trusting someone is something we all like to do, a respect given to one another. Yet so many trample all over it or disregard it.  Don't make promises you can't or are not willing to keep.  Because once you lie, cheat, or hurt someone, you have planted the seed of doubt for everything else.  You also allow yourself to continue these behaviors regardless of who you are dealing with.  It is then very easy for people to label you.......once a liar, cheater, always a liar, cheater.  It can take years to earn somebody's trust back.  

To be trusted in my book, you have to be a person of integrity, one that walks the talk, one that admits fault and is an open book.  One that doesn't deceive by omission...leaving out parts of the truth.  One that is mature enough to stand behind what they say.  One that respects others and treats them with kindness. One that is grateful.  One that is not self-absorbed.  One that takes their place in the light for their accomplishments and one that takes their lumps humbly when they fail.  Just because I give you a second or third chance doesn't mean I fully trust you again, it just means I understand you are human.  

Either be a person of your word or keep your mouth shut!!!


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