There are so many reasons to stay, so many excuses to hold onto something that has ran its course, whether that be your job, your spouse, your friend(s), or your state of mind.  But no matter how many excuses you make you feel it in your gut, you know it in your heart and eventually you will make the change or the universe steps in and helps you out.  Regardless, it is how you handle the change which makes all the difference. Some retreat, some become reckless, some become bitter, others tend to run backwards.  You may find yourself blaming yourself, others, God, life in general. 

The best way to start something new is to reflect in a healthy, neutral way on what you are moving away from, accepting responsibility, recognizing negative and detrimental habits and begin to replace them with new thoughts and a positive way of being.  Each day be thankful you have that day and begin to look at the things you were afraid of, the things that caused you fear and pain and see the positive in them.  When you find yourself thinking of the past, what could of been, begin to think of how now is even better.  Your mind can become a constant battle, be conscious of your thinking and change the negative immediately.  Become more loving, more forgiving, more giving, and more appreciative.  

When you open your heart to the now and new, beautiful things come to you!!


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