Life isn't fair!!

Do you ever feel as though life just isn't fair?  That you are one of the unlucky ones?  Do you know that everything that happens to you is due to your freedom of choice?  That you created each and every event.........YOU were the creator of where you are at?  Do you look at your unbelievable power or sit with the negative side of "I quit my job because my boss expected too much", "I left my spouse/relationship because she/he was too needy", "I no longer speak to my friend, because they didn't agree with me".  You know all the finger pointing and blaming that we do to make ourselves victims and to have other's feel sorry for us.  Or do you take ownership for where you are at and realize that some choices were made out of anger, guilt, selfishness, spontaneous and some were made with clarity and decisiveness, and no matter which it was still a choice and you made it. 

There are quite a few decisions that I regret, quite a few that I wish I hadn't made in haste or vengeance, but nonetheless I made them and have to learn to deal with the consequence.  Now, regret doesn't mean I can't change the outcome to better suit me, it is all in perception, all in the way I look and own my choices.  I have no problem saying I was wrong, recognizing MY actions and making an effort to change.  Life is about learning and learning comes from recognizing, owning and changing.  

What choices would you have made differently?  Figure out why, own your part and change your mind to make sure that when the chance to make the decision comes along again (which it will), you do it with ease.


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