Quit trying to force things!!!  In order to manifest everything you desire into your life --- you must think and feel that it is yours.  Manifestation is very easy, it is law.  The place where most slip up is after they set their sights on something.  Here's an find yourself at a dead end job and you truly want something more fulfilling.  Someone asks you what it is you want to do and you answer with I have no idea, but it isn't this job.  You are fixated on not wanting this current job and so what do you manifest?  A better job? Hell no, your focus is on the job you are in, and it seems to get worse. Well of course, because the bad things in your job seems to be all you focus on.  Answer???? Change your thoughts.  Decide on a job you want, see yourself in your mind doing the job, loving the job, making great money at the job, realize all resistance to the universe and watch as opportunities begin to come your way.  

This is true for relationships, financial harmony, health issues, etc.  What you focus on is what will come to you.  So what do you spend your time thinking about?

Time is an illusion.  It is something that we as humans use to gauge our actions.  It is the reason so many of us "wait" for the right moment to do things...get up, go to work, ask for forgiveness, love, obtain everything we are entitled too!!  So many of us live by the clock, by the calendar-this is a form of resistance and what happens when we resist------we chain ourselves. Learn to live in the present!! And the present time is the best time to begin to manifest for ourselves.


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