Today is a great day to focus on your intent of what you want to create in life. While it's a great day and time 1/11 to put out your intent, it is extremely important to remove the gunk, the negativity.  

Start by removing the pettiness that you create in your life.  We waste so much time and create resistance in our life by allowing the little things to occupy our minds.  If you can't control or change it, forget it!  Don't waste time on others that have no time for you.  Move forward.  Don't give of yourself or time sparingly to those you love, shower them with love---remember you receive what you give.  Be honest with yourself, dig deep to find the answer of why you continue to exhibit or think the same negative way, they are rarely ever easy to just come up with an answer, usually it is is so important to figure out the fear that is holding you back. Once you can recognize the fear you can start to move through it. Stop competing with yourself and others.....compliment others as well as yourself. Reach out and talk with those that will be honest with you, that will tell you the truth that you run from and allow those that stroke your ego to fade to the side.  Remember your ego WILL ALWAYS eventually let you down.  

Today set your intentions from your heart NOT your ego.  This is a year that can change your life as long as you are living in the present and in integrity. Get rid of the excuses and make this year your best yet. 


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