
Showing posts from January, 2015


Today is a great day to focus on your intent of what you want to create in life. While it's a great day and time 1/11 to put out your intent, it is extremely important to remove the gunk, the negativity.   Start by removing the pettiness that you create in your life.  We waste so much time and create resistance in our life by allowing the little things to occupy our minds.  If you can't control or change it, forget it!  Don't waste time on others that have no time for you.  Move forward.  Don't give of yourself or time sparingly to those you love, shower them with love---remember you receive what you give.  Be honest with yourself, dig deep to find the answer of why you continue to exhibit or think the same negative way, they are rarely ever easy to just come up with an answer, usually it is is so important to figure out the fear that is holding you back. Once you can recognize the fear you can start to move through it. Stop competing ...


Tomorrow is 1/11-a great day to focus in on your intentions.  Intentions are more powerful than wishes and dreams for intentions take form and action allowing what you truly intend to happen to blossom into reality.   Our thoughts are constantly taking form, negative or positive and given enough time will manifest into your life.  Therefore on 1/11 - which is a number that signifies " what you have been focusing on is on its way" is a great day to hone in on what you really want in your life.  This can be relationships, wealth, health, career, etc.  Do you really know what you want? Have you removed the negatives from your thinking?   Once you know what you want and you begin to put intention behind the thought with positive feeling and will soon see it develop in your life.  Take the day to set your intentions on what it is you want and allow the Universe to bring it you.


2015 is the year for money, career, and career changes, abundance, also means being conscience of your materialism! This is the year to get what you want, it is important to "clear/clean" out what doesn't serve a purpose in your life.  Keep the energy flowing so that you are able to receive.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VISION BOARD A vision board is used as a visual tool to assist in the law of attraction to manifest in your life what you want in your life.   It is important to get in tune with your feelings when setting your intentions on a vision board.  Create your vision board with your heart not your head and watch as you manifest the items on your board one by one.   I created one this year, however a board is too big for me and I wanted something more specific, so I created a vision page, same concept but on a smaller scale and a little more specific. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...




Quit trying to force things!!!  In order to manifest everything you desire into your life --- you must think and feel that it is yours.  Manifestation is very easy, it is law.  The place where most slip up is after they set their sights on something.  Here's an find yourself at a dead end job and you truly want something more fulfilling.  Someone asks you what it is you want to do and you answer with I have no idea, but it isn't this job.  You are fixated on not wanting this current job and so what do you manifest?  A better job? Hell no, your focus is on the job you are in, and it seems to get worse. Well of course, because the bad things in your job seems to be all you focus on.  Answer???? Change your thoughts.  Decide on a job you want, see yourself in your mind doing the job, loving the job, making great money at the job, realize all resistance to the universe and watch as opportunities begin to come your way.  ...